Ecotrain qotw season 9 round 2/ spirituality. Men suffer for their nonchalant attitude towards life.


If there is God, why is there so much suffering in the world?

The origin of suffering came as a result of disobedience to God.

When the single instruction was given, do not eat from this tree.

Genesis 2:17 KJV

But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

So man chose death and suffering over the leverage given to him.

This brings us back to the question for the week.

Suffering on earth doesn't depend on whether there is God or not, it depends on man.

Even though no one wants to suffer for any reason, it still has to come from our hearts.

Everyone is left with a choice of how to deal with his or her life.

A choice of whether you want to suffer or not.

People who are not suffering these days. Are they enjoying what they enjoy because they know God more than others or did they determine to get to where they are using the privilege given to them by God? Talking about this privilege is not something special but it's something given to the whole of humanity except for some who are unfortunate to get the opposite of what others get.

This is what I am talking about.

Life - God has given it to everyone for free all you need to do is choose what you want it to look like. Now everyone has the same privilege concerning this particular gift given by God but still, some abuse it and do not use it properly and that is why they end up suffering.

Time - Time is given equally to every individual for 24 hours. Those who are not suffering never had more time than those who are suffering. The effect of their time and disparities between them and the people on the other side is how efficiently they used their time.

Brain - Research made it clear that all humans do not use up to 100% of their brain but trust me those who have put theirs to work are not regretting anything about it suffering comes as a result of people not effectively using their brains to make things work out for their good.

So people tend to suffer as a result of their inefficiency not because God is not on their side.

Take an instance with two farmers who plant crops on fertile land. There is some constant factor that needs to be considered in this situation.

Fertile land



Oxygen and carbon dioxide

All these factors are made available by God who is the most constant factor for both farmers. All these farmers need to do is to invest their best into utilizing all these factors mentioned above to get a bountiful harvest.

But at the cost of the run, you will discover one will make more harvest than the other one. Why is it like that?

Check the quality of time spent by both on their farm, the energy spent and also the brain work from both you will discover there are differences.

So will we say that God is the cause of the low harvest by the lazy farmer or will we say vo gave rainfall to the one that had a bountiful harvest? The answer is a capital NO.

Same life, same time, same brain and same health is given. All that is required of you is just efficient use of all these things and then at the end, you will be happy with yourself and also your creator.

People suffer as a result of their nonchalant attitude towards life not because God is not there.

God is always there and will always be there but he has given the Dominion to man so is left for anyone willing to dominate to do it within the space of time given to him or her and anyone who can't take the risk and cross will be left behind.

Choose wisely what you want your life to look like.

Thanks, #ecotarin for this wonderful question of the week season 9/#2.

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