How do you deal with monsters? - The Last Spell

Hello everyone,
I hope that you all are in good health. And I hope you stay healthy. Today I am going to teach you all monster hunting. It is a good sport. The best one, it offers many rewards and experiences that will help you level up in your game.

But its easier said than done. Because unlike the monsters from the games that we the monsters from the life that we live in are far too dangerous. They are always invisible, add negative buffs to you like confusion, rage, depression. The real-life monsters leech life much faster and worst of all you don't even know it.

Let me tell you a story.


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A story of a magical boy from a faraway land. He was a mild natured boy and a brilliant student. Everyone in his village praises him. Even though he was small people from other villages knows of his deeds. He was the pride of his family.

As he grew up he learned that the world is big and full of opportunity. And in order to become a wizard, he must set himself in a quest for learning magic. So he took permission and went on a quest that would earn him a legendary wizard status. In his path, he came across allies and foes. His training was going well. During his training, he learned that he isn’t as special as he thought to be. But that didn’t stop him he started competing with the rest to be the best. He had doubts about his abilities. He learned many skills that would help him to be successful, But for each skill, he learns he would become aware that he lacks many more. The doubts grew bigger. Every night he would ask himself that whether what he is doing is right?

2Yrs has pasted in the training. One day he encounters a monster. A monster he accidentally created. A small monster but with very troublesome abilities. The monster could have been defeated easily by casting a simple spell as it has no power of itself. The monster has the ability to haunt, create illusions, and induces negative thoughts. One of the special abilities of the monster was to appear bigger than itself.

But the boy was confused and his self-doubts has made him forgot the spell. And the boy couldn’t defeat the monster. He started running away trying to save himself from the fangs of the monster. What he didn’t know at that time was the monster looks fearsome but it cannot harm a soul. The monster started haunting him day and night. The monster has latched on this boy. The Boy has lost his ability to focus and regain strength. As he was spending all his magical energy in running. The boy was growing weaker as he was running for days. The days became weeks. And before the boy could catch his breath years has gone by. One day the boy decided to show a little courage and asked for help to defeat the monster. The monster was defeated within a day. And after years he was able to sleep.

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Now, this is a heavily fictionalized version of a real story. And it is a half-assed story at that. Because this story has no end. Whether the boy became a wizard is left out. What happened to the boy after defeating the monster is left out. And the part where the Boy was standing on the ledge of the 80ft high bridge before asking for help was left out. The monsters are nothing but the projections of our own doubts and uncertainties. They have no power of their own but they feed on their own insecurities. These monsters are just thoughts that are much more like seeds. This seed grows into a tree and the tree into a forest and when left unchecked becomes a wildfire, Which burns everything down. And all you are left with is an empty barren ground.

As for the solution. There are many but My favorite one is ‘SO WHAT?’
Before I explain. I want you to close your eyes and ask yourself what was the most difficult task you’ve ever accomplished. Also when you browse through the things that you have overcome replay the thoughts that you had at the time. And If you are able to remember kudos to your memory. If not, that even better. It simply shows that all those worries were actually not worth the time.

The monsters can be defeated. All you need is the courage to ask the right person who has already defeated the monster. I may have already defeated the monster you are facing or you may have already defeated the monster that's haunting me. And the monster may not even be a monster if you just change the perspective.

You know what I am not satisfied with the ending of the story let me try a better ending.

The boy was haunted by the monster. He was losing his health and mental strength rapidly. He could barely gather strength and stand against the monster. He had been running for so long that he forgot that monsters can be defeated. The monster has cast as delusion on him. He was so scared that he trusted no one. One day when he decided that its all over. He thought he has exhausted all his options. As he was heading towards a cliff. He crossed a Shop. A blacksmith family was working there. The guy was working hard and the woman beside her was working to her best to support this guy while looking after the newborn too. The magical boy told his mistake and how the monster has been haunting him for years. The Blacksmith listened to the whole story and replied ‘SO WHAT?’. The boy tried to explain about how grave the mistake was. Again the answer came from the blacksmith ‘SO WHAT?’ The boy again made an attempt at conveying how embarrassing it would be when he returned back home. The Blacksmith replied ‘SO WHAT?’. The boy tried to explain. All his questions were met with a simple question ‘SO WHAT?’ The boy was getting furious as the blacksmith was not up to his level and will not be able to understand his situation. As he was about to leave. The blacksmith asked ‘You still haven't answered my question. As you have taken so much of my time, I deserve an answer.’

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I am inuke,
I am no expert in monster hunting. But there are people who make a living by hunting monsters. There are different types of monsters. There are financial monsters, Spiritual monsters, relationship monsters, academic monsters, self-image monsters, and whatnot. Also, I am not claiming that it is easy to slay the monster. It is not, especially when you are facing your own. But trust me the monster can do no harm unless you let them. All it takes is a little courage to ask the right person.


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