ecoTrain Question Of The Week Season 8 - ACTION: #2 What actions do you think are needed in your local area?

Ofcourse most local areas needs various angles to be touched positively depending on the kind of area. Focusing on my area base on my country(nigeria). There are so many actions that has to be taken in my local area and for nigeria as a whole for our own betterment.
The main action that has to be taken by our local government is concerning the bad roads in my local area, bad roads has really obstructed businesses to flow well, businesses like importing and exporting of goods via by road. As a result of that goods are been imported and exported via by air and after the delivering of goods it prompts the increase of goods in my local area. It affects us and me especially as a student, so we need a serious action here concerning our bad roads here. Most businesses are been shut down as a result of bad roads due to lack of customers, ofcourse no individual or group of people will wanna go risk his or her life just to go purchase some certain goods knowing very well that the area is not safe for people as a result of several accident that do occur in that particular area most of the time.
We need actions to be taken concerning our bad roads here..
We say no to bad roads!

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