The secret behind excellence in life..

Judging from the past experiences and front the things seen from the past heros, you will agree with me that to excel in life is just a work that you just do with a levity hand or just do as doing for fun. Excelling in life has to do beyond that and you have to strive so hard to get through it.





Excellence in a layman language simply means getting a better results from whatever thing you do or it is a way of being outstanding or being good in what ever you do..Excellence also means to be great or when the very best of you comes out to people to see...

Let's take some notable people for example. The first of them is Micheal Faraday who discovered electricity. It was said and we read from the history that he discovered electricity and he was able to achieve this after series of tests which he embarked on before he was later successful in this. And today we all are enjoying the excellence which he has laid down...


Another example I will be giving is chief obafemi awolowo a Nigerian activist, which has laboured and fought for the human race and fought for the freedom of people from being enslaved by the government.... During this time he strives and and ensured he got to the extent of what he wanted by along the line he died while trying to amend things but till today, he has always remained notable and remembered every year for what he has done for the people..

More of excellent people like that which have laboured for the human race.. Now back to the excellence spirit for these people to get this done, they never relented and they were able to excel in things they did.. For every human on heart the main secret to excelling is by giving every bit of your effort to what you are doing and never getting tired to strive because, when you are about getting to success there are always obstacles and ways are never plan and pure you just have to make your ways through it by not relenting..


There are some hidden benefits you gain when you become an excellent person. Examples are;

  1. You become notable among your peers.
  2. The will become respected
  3. People will always remember you for the good deeds you have done.
  4. You will set history in the hearts of all.

Here is a little about secret behind excellence. I hope I made some clear point to consider.. Thanks for reading and enjoy the rest of your night..


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