Did You Plant Your First Tree? - Ecosia

The issue of clean energy and reducing carbon emissions was and remains a pivotal issue for a large proportion of people on the face of the planet,

As a result of this, a number of initiatives and activities have emerged recently calling for a healthy life on the planet by encouraging the use of clean and sustainable energy in factories and industrial facilities to reduce carbon emissions.
Carbon emissions resulting from the use of energy to produce many different products, including electronic products, are directly threatening the planet. And by doing so, it makes the planet Earth a place of life longer.

Among these initiatives is the Ecosia Search Engine Project, which offers a new and unprecedented initiative in encouraging Internet users to contribute to reducing these carbon emissions by harnessing their activities in the search for information through various search engines.

What is Ecosia search engine ?!

Like many other search engines, Ecosia shows ads next to the search results. For every ad that the project earns, 80% of the value of the ad is donated toward contributing to tree planting in any part of the world.

Why support tree planting, not anything else ?!

Planting trees contributes effectively to absorbing carbon dioxide and pollutant gases and filtering particles, which are among the main drivers of climate change.

For all of this and more, the project managers, who represent more than one country around the world, focused on contributing to planting beautiful trees in areas that witness a real threat to them, such as developing and poor countries that depend mainly on forests for their lives.

How do you contribute to the project ?!

You do not need to make any efforts to contribute to this project and contribute to saving the world. All you have to do is follow up on your regular searches with Ecosia to be involved in the tree building process indirectly.

What has the project achieved so far ?!

Once you enter the main page of the site, you will find below the search box an automatic meter that shows you the number of trees that have been planted so far, and there are more than 6 million trees planted as of the moment of writing this article, and the project owners plan to plant a billion trees by 2020.

The search engine has found donation campaigns of more than 2,885.663 million euros so far.
Over 6.161.755 million trees have been planted so far, and the number is increasing every second.
The area of ​​trees planted to date in the world is approximately 10 million times the size of Central Park, New York.

The beautiful thing about the topic is that the search results that will appear to you are the same as the search results from the Google search engine, that is, you will not notice any difference in the quality of the search results, or even your own user experience.

Did you plant your first tree?

Ecosia Site


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