If there is a God why is there so much suffering in the world?

Different people have their philosophy on the idea of whether God exist or not, some believe that God exists why others do not believe that God exists. From my point of view and belief, I will like to establish the fact that God exists before going on to discuss why there is so much suffering in the world.


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There are many things that scientists have done and still working on that look so great we have artificial intelligence robots, colons and so on but one thing remains and that is they cannot produce or form a human being. Any research that they are doing will still require them to pick one gene or the other from human beings and that simply tells us that there is a force greater than mankind. Science has tried to explain how the sun is and the rain but cannot decide when the sun come up and when it rains from the sky, this also shows that there is a force greater than mankind. Science has tried to explore the different areas but cannot be like the natural ones that we are seeing. So the question is, all the natural things that we see or look or hear about like human beings, sun, rain, sky and so on must have come from somewhere and someone must have to form them or produce them and that person is not on this earth but have knowledge, power and ability to produce these things. So if the person is not a human being then the person must be a supernatural being that is far greater than what we can imagine. So what are we going to call his name? Well, I will like to call him God.

Now the question: why is there much suffering in the world?

I will simply answer this question by saying it is our decisions as humans that result in this much suffering remember that this God is a superior being but still very respectfully, he respects our decisions and most of the decisions made by man as led us to where we are today.

If a man decides not to work then he will suffer.

If a man decides not to seek help from someone that can help and willing to help in a particular situation then the man will suffer.

If a person decides not to honour himself by keeping to the basic rules and regulations that can make him live healthy then the person will suffer.

If a man decides to rule badly then the people in that country, state, the community will suffer.
If a person fails to follow instructions then the person will suffer.

Where we find ourselves today is as a result of our past decision although God tries to help us and guide us so that we will not suffer but we still have our choice.

To push the responsibility on God for our suffering is us not ready to make positive changes to our situations, we have to cooperate with God to see the good and better results that we desired.

Let me try and round up by saying that God (supernatural beings, force and personality) is always there to help us out of the current suffering that we may be undergoing as individuals or nations but we need to cooperate with him to do that.

So I believe that there is God and He is not responsible for the suffering on the face of this earth rather our decisions as humans put us in this current state and we can change it if we cooperate with God to guide and direct us then we obey by taking responsibility.

Thank you for reading my post

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