A Question and Answer to Allah!

I am aware of the article titled "Why did you create this world ?" shared by dear @clixmoney,

"If you could ask God ONE question and God would give you an immediate answer what would the question be and what answer would you want to hear?"

entry into the contest. If you want to write about an interesting subject, it is useful to take a look at the conditions of the competition.

First of all, let's do some warm-up laps before moving on to my question to Allah and his possible answer.

God created the Earth as the plants, living things, earth and sky in it, and placed man on the planet as a superior race.

In order to be aware of him, he sent us the "Torah" with Hz. Moses, together with the "Bible", Hz. Jesus, together with the "Quran", Hz. Muhammad as a messenger.

Whether we believe in one of these or any other religion, we are, after all, extras of God, who created the World.

He created the world and all that is in it, and gave us life to live. Our birth, our life, the souls we have, and the determination of when we die are his alone. He is the decision maker and he does what he wants.

Buddha directly or indirectly makes us extras.

Now let's come to the main topic (what would happen if you could ask Allah a question?).

"Are there any people that you see as a manufacturing defect at the stage of creating us humans that you created as a superior race, and if there is, why didn't you run the return procedure for them?"

Let's open up this question a little, so that no one should think that I mean our friends who are born with a missing limb or who have one organ different from the other and are born with disabilities, because it would be like looking for a calf under an ox.

The people I see as a manufacturing defect are people who have survived and ended their lives as "footed weapons of mass destruction" throughout history, crazy and at the point of insanity.

Example: Adolf Hitler

I don't know how Allah will respond to that, but I can guess. I think Allah created the world and everything in it with great enthusiasm and placed us humans in it. Seeing what people did to each other and to other living things (plants – animals), he lost his enthusiasm and never deigned to return or correct. It would not be much different from the one he received back in the other person he would send instead of the one he received as a return.

Allah created us and left us to ourselves for centuries. A creature that does so much harm to its own kind deserves neither to be corrected nor to be followed any further. We don't use the time and money we spend producing a thousand and one weapons to kill each other, to feed a hungry person.

Everything that is produced is based on the destruction of someone, sometimes we are designed as a physical annihilation, sometimes as a mental annihilation, and sometimes as a weak part of the chain added to the link.

Although it is said that the power belongs to the people in democracy, the power is never in us. In this World, where we came as the extras of Allah, we continue our lives as the extras of those who have power.

I hope Allah, who created us, will one day remember that he is responsible for what he has created and use the option of correcting and arranging us. Thus, the humanity within us isolates the living and planetary enemies.

This is simply a reflection of my interest and participation in the competition. You can think of it as a fiction if you wish, as my purpose is not to offend anyone.

I am a humble servant who respects all faiths and believes in the religion of Islam.

The word I adopted about beliefs; "To attack the values of others is to leave your own values ​​unprotected"

All content belongs to me unless stated otherwise!

Thank you for reading!

Stay healthy and friendly!

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