Boost the immunity of your children during this COVID-19 Pandemic ๐Ÿ›ก๏ธ๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ‘งโ€๐Ÿ‘ฆ

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Heyy Dear Parents! ๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ‘งโ€๐Ÿ‘ฆ๐Ÿ˜‰

This post is my 2nd post in the Ecotrain Community is about "How you can make your child immune in the current situation of pandemic?". Hope, this will be worthy to you and your children. Have a look! ๐Ÿ™

As we know that the COVID-19 Next Wave gonna affect our children vigorously. So we need to start preparing as of now. We have to explore the ways by which we can make our children safe. As a parent our main responsibilities is to take care of our child in any situation. Now, let's discuss how we can immune our children and make them safe against Next Wave of COVID-19.

So what comes to your mind first as We should vaccinate our child..! Right? Ok but before I further proceed I want to clear you that No Vaccine can immune you fully from getting virus. Because study says cases where there are a group of people's who got vaccinated but still getting virus, even after taking 2 doses of vaccines and got report as COVID-19 positive. See, Have a look on this below NEWS โคต๏ธ


2382 Uttarakhand policemen have come positive so far. Of these, 93 percent of the Jawan had taken both doses of the corona vaccine. 5 of these have lost their lives ( According to Official NEWS ) Source

So what will be the CORRECT SOLUTION of this? Yeah, you guess Right! We need to start believing on our Internal Vaccine that is our Immune System. This is not just Children but also for all Young and Old Human Beings. So, what we need to do for such? Just follow up the blog with patience. ๐Ÿ™

We there is some predictions about the arrival of the third wave of COVID-19. It is said to be very dangerous for children. In such a situation, it is essential specially for parents to include some nutritious foods in the diet of their children to boost their immunity.

To avoid any kind of Cold, Cough, Flu or virus and disease, the most important tool with which we can rely on is to have a strong immunity. Some Nutritionist recently worked on improving the children's immunity, in which they collected essential information about which food is really good for children in current times. Also, they focusses on how we can improve the diet with the help to making their diet a healthy diet. Let's know about it.

Things like raspberry, lemon juice, blackberry can be increase the intake of Vitamin-C in children and ultimately it is used to strengthen the immunity of children. To include them in the diet of children, for feeding them such things you have to make sure to give them these in the form of marmalade, pickle and chutney. They just not only like their sweet and sour taste but also it will boosts up their energy and immunity of the children.

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Eat Seasonal fruits and vegetables

It is far better to increase the immunity of children through a supplement than to strengthen it through feeding them fruits and vegetables in appropriate quantity in a balanced manner. In the summer season, things like mango, guava, blackberry, amla and jackfruit are easily available. You must include these things in the diet of your children. They not only strengthen immunity, but also improve your child's growth and strengthen and supports to make their bones more healthier.

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Get a Healthy breakfast in evening

Mostly as we saw most children starts feeling hungry so early by the end of the evening. In such a situation, instead of feeding them junk like junk foods like Maggi, pasta, burgers, at such time you better give them a gram flour, Rajgira laddoos with ghee ( butter ) and give them jaggery instead of sugar. The evening time is when the level of some fear-induced hormones like Cortisol in the body becomes very low. Therefore by giving them this healthy diet you are boosting both of their energy as well as their mood.

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Make sure to Include rice also

Make sure to include rice in the diet of your children, it will help them to increase the energy level along with immunity in children and make them healthy. If possible, eat rice with curd it doesn't having any bad taste instead of that children will like their taste, in which it would be better to add rock salt for making it mor tastier. Along with this, you can also give your children and motivate them to eat rice along with beans and ghee this works PERFECT for them. Rice is mostly rich in amino acids is also a good source of vitamin B which will also help in reducing the touchiness in children. And teach them about a balanced and healthy diet.

We together can make EARTH a better place ๐ŸŒ๐Ÿค๐Ÿ˜‡

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