Join Us For The "Tiny Earthship Design Competition!"


Anyone who likes to sketch or is interested in tiny homes may just love this competition! The challenge is simple. Design a tiny home that is no larger than 40 meters squared or 430 sq ft. That is like a square shape that is around 6 meters long x 7 meters wide or 20 feet x 22 feet. Of course your design does not have to be a square! I am currently working on a design that is the shape of a hexagon and will be making a 3d model of it very soon. This model is just an idea, and i have not yet chosen exactly which model i will be building! Yes you heard me right,.... the winner of this challenge will have their design built here on the ecoVillages land in Portugal! (since is so important i will also allow my own design to enter this competition)

We will be using this tiny home as a temple for use in events and group activities like cacao ceremonies, singing, bhajans, yoga etc. Our local community is blossoming with dozens of like minded people all living within just a few Kilometres of each other. Whilst we make this tiny home temple we will also be inviting anyone who wants to learn how to build an earthship home. Since this is a very small and simple build, it can all happen within just a few weeks! Once the roof is on there is very minimal work to do since it will only require power and lights.

I will be awarding HIVE to the best entries. The amount of Hive i award will depend on the quality and quantity of the submissions. I am offering a maxumum of 500 Hive IF there is a design that i like so much that i end up using it!

I am very excited to see who participates and IF one of you can make a design that is even better than the one i am currently working on! This entire project will happen very quickly, and we hope to start building it in March/April.. so watch this space!

I'm sure many of you are not architects or designers. So to start with this can be a very rough sketch with a pencil. It could also be a more accurate drawing, to scale. What is important is the overall idea and design, and how it will perform and look.

It's usually a good idea to keep things simple as that makes it easier to build and usually leads to better performance and less problems. We want to have several larger windows on one side facing south so that we can bring in the sun and allow the earthship tyre walls to take in that heat and keep the space warm in winter.

The roof is perhaps the most important and often challenging part of a design and build. There are many ways to roof any building. If you would like to get some ideas its well worth a goggle images search to see some examples. Here is an image to show you a few ideas

There are also many different materials you can use. Some are even free if you know where to look! Here is a nice example of a wood tiled roof that would be suitable for a location that does not get too much rain.

I look forward to seeing the entries to this competition! The final date for entry is in 10 days, on March 10th 2020. That is not a lot of time, so if you have a pencil near you go grab it and start sketching up your vision for a beautiful tiny earthship!



"Tiny Earthship Design Competition!"

- We welcome everyone to join us and post.

- Your answer can be a written post with scans of sketches or any drawings, a 3D render, a video, or any way you wish to share your design with us.

- You can post anytime from now until 14th March

- You must Subscribe to the ecoTrain Community to post.

Please also post a link to your post in the comments so that I will be sure to find it and add it to the weekly tie-up post.

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