EcoTrain Question Of The Week: What actions are needed in my local area?

The actions we desire to see are still the same as what I have always wanted to see from ten years ago. Politicians during campaigns all have this agenda to fulfil during their tenure but still leave office with nothing being done. I'm from Nigeria and I live in the north central region of the country, populated by the Hausa people. I will like to narrow the actions I desire to see to my local community and not the country as a whole.

Life of the people in my community

There's a belief going on in my community that people who settle down there never progress, and usually involve themselves into drunkenness and womanizing. While we were growing up, the community was not this way, there were responsible people who worked hard to make a living and were mindful of being drunk. Things changed as people started migrating into the community and the number of youths increased rapidly. Indeed, the lifestyle of most youths and adults living there is irresponsible. I desire to see the youths live a responsible life, and not of drunkenness and smoking. They have neglected education in pursuit of quick wealth. This has slowed down the progress of the community as well. I desire that someday the youths will embrace education and hard work and that the adults will give the youths better counsel.


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We live as cats and dogs in the small town where I stay. Tribalism and religious segregation is one thing we suffer. No one helps you if you're not from their ethnic group. No trust among ourselves, though we live together, we are divided at heart. This disunity had hindered us from benefiting anything good, we are always opposing each other's opinion in matters that could be of benefit to everyone. There was a time when a man volunteered in buying a transformer for the community to help maintain a stable flow of electricity. I believe this idea was something to benefit everyone, yeah, it seems so but not for the people who lived in my town. The place to keep the transformer became a fight among the various ethnic groups, everyone wanted the transformer to be placed close to where they settled. As you already assumed, the transformer was taken back and we still suffer from light issues. I hope that someday, there will be unity among us. It's this lack of unity that has resulted in many other things we suffer like bad roads, lack of electricity, and water supply.

Good government

Most times we seem to blame people at the top without checking the people at the grassroot. The rulers and elders in my community are corrupt, the love of money has blinded their sense of judgement that they favor only the elite and neglect the plea of the needy and helpless in the community. Everyone who occupies a position favors his ethnic group first and the little that remains is shared to the others and sometimes nothing gets to the rest. This trend has continued for a long time. I hope that someday we would enjoy good governance, people who will understand the call to leadership and put the people first before anything. I pray and hope that a day will come when the youths and elders will be responsible, there will be unity, and good governance in my community. If we can achieve these at this level, then it will be easier to tackle bigger problems that concern the country.

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