EcoTrain QOTW 9.8: If God could answer my question..

There are a lot of teachings I have heard about God. I have read books in which the authors tried to describe God's love and tell of his mighty works, I have read the Bible, yet could get just a little knowledge from it. The fact that I have no encounter with him (God) like the people of the old who wrote the Bible, I still have a lot of questions in my heart. Over time, I have come to believe that God exists and that his love over the inhabitants of the earth is unfailing, judging from how men had left the path of spirituality and sought adventure. The religious teachings nowadays are too packed with teachings that contradict what I have known overtime, some religious leaders believe the dealings of spiritual matters is also changing as the world evolve, therefore, new principles need to be initiated and one is left wondering if we should still trend in the ancient path or join this new trend of gospel by some preachers. Sometimes I have questions I want to ask God but don't know how to hear from him or if he speaks, but if God could answer my question, this is the very question I do ask Him.

"Why was I born?".


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All I remember about living is that I was given birth by my parents, expecting me to go through school, become successful, and probably feed them at their old age when they've become frail and no longer have energy to work- is that what life is all about? To live and someday die when we've grown old? I feel that having been born here on Earth has a greater purpose than these and knowing exactly what it is, is what makes one live a fulfilled life and die empty after unveiling every potential that was embedded in them. I have a lot of questions I wish I could ask, but knowing the reason why I was born troubles me the most. Children are born everyday into the world without knowing exactly why they're being born. Children grow, study, become successful, get married, bear children, grow old, and die without knowing the exact reason why they came into the earth and this cycle continues. I feel this is the reason why there's a lot of confusion in the world. Men who grow without knowing their exact purpose on Earth decide to build one and believe the path he has chosen is surely that which he was born to follow, not minding whether it is wrong or right.

Specifically I don't know which answer to expect, or what exactly I want to hear. At a point I believed one's ultimate goal on earth as designed by our maker is to preach the gospel but each generation seems worse than the previous, the generation that are expected to preach the gospel needs the gospel themselves. The clergymen are there to guide us spiritually and teach us the doctrines, is everyone expected to be a clergyman?I believe the answer to this is no, so, there's more to living than just preaching the gospel. If one understands the reason for his existence, it's easy for him to shape his life along the direction of his destiny, otherwise, one would keep living life with no bearing hoping that at least in the end he would live a fulfilled life from all his toiling on Earth.

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