QOTW 8.1-ACTION#1 Outcome of an action; Positive change.

QOTW 8.1-ACTION#1 Outcome of an action; Positive change.

Positive change can't prevail itself without a action.
You heard that right..
It 100% true..
Any position you found today couldn't be possible if you didn't make that moves.

If you didn't joined @Hive you couldn't see this amazing questions by @EcoTrain today..
Imagine the Richest man on Earth today Alon Musk.
If he didn't take the action that makes him what he's today..
He will have been broke..
Been in hive for the passes month I've learned Alot from this platform.. that have positive changes in me and the society..

Images sources pixabay
Changes will not occur when the is no action..
We've all heard about the person that brought a memes coin at $8,000 that now worth $5.4B
For those that don't know a memes coins are..
This are coin that don't have values in real life..
They coins gain values when it's been hib on social media..
So if the person didn't took that ation and invest the money it in..

How will he worth Billions now..

Positive Change can't take place without a action.

For instance I now make seven figures monthly because of the action I took and learned skills..
Yeah I used my pockets Money to enroll in a course online..
Udemy to be precisely..
That action change my life positively..

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