ecoTrain Question Of The Week #7.8: What Aren't People Talking Enough About?!


What I think need more attention than ever is the price of goods and services, things are getting out of hand now, the incessant Increase in price of goods and services is surprising, why is it this way, what is human race turning into, are we still safe, why is things like this and what are we to do, to get things back to normal.

The way I am seeing it, Is like instead of bringing it down, high prices keep climbing, yet money is not easy to come by, what are we really going to do when things are falling apart this way. This demand more attention on what to do and to have it solve, at times I cry about it, Because I could remember when things were good, i also used to wonder, if things are like this, are we gonna continue like this because this isn't live at all, it feels like suicide, to oneself.


Every single products or goods are not sold the way it was before, and the increase are very bad to the point that, no Matter what you earn a day, will all go for consumption, yet it will not even be enough for you and your family, making us to see life in a blink of eyes, while we complain and complain each day.

More and more attention are needed to this aspect of increase of goods and services price

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