What I am most grateful for in this life

Life itself is the greatest of all gifts, however, they're some gifts that without, life wouldn't be worthy of living. I am always thankful to God everytime I wake up to a new day. However, in regards to this week's question, the one thing I am most grateful for in life is the gift of a family. Coming from a family of six, and being the last of them all, I was brought up in love and care of the family members. The kind of love that superceeds personal interest or gain. Looking back at the things we have done for each other in one way or the other, I just wonder how life would have been without such great minds in my life.

Specifically, I won't get tired of saying what family has done for me. I am where I am today because of the love and sacrifices of my family. Growing up in the village, I never knew any other place aside from my immediate environment. The plan then was just to finish secondary school and start my life in the village while depending on the substantial farming system, mostly practiced in the village. Upon the completion of my secondary school, my brothers took it upon themselves to see to my university education, even though they weren't giving the opportunity to. Starting from the admission processing to my final year clearance at the University, they saw to the bills. Sometimes when I ask them "why did you accept to sponsor me through the University, even when you weren't opportuned to?". Their response is always "since we didn't go to the University, it is our responsibility to make sure you our junior brother attend".

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Aside the financial support, their advices played major roles in shaping the man I have become today. Each time am going back to school, they will be like, "never forget where you coming from, you know you're going there to represent our family, go and make us proud". I have seen families with all the money but no love exists between the members. Also I have seen some families that hate each other to the extent of seeking the downfall of one another. I am thankful to God for making me a member of the best family in the world! Also, I am grateful to this wonderful community for the opportunity to talk about the one thing I am most grateful for in life - MY FAMILY.

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