Map of the Snorfkingdom in Pixel Art

Until spring this year there was a place on the blockchain called

The Snorfkingdom

It is a wondrous place of lives lived and stories told by its people, the Snorflings, and their fearless leader: Sir Snorfkin.

Many a tale was told at the fireplace in Bjorn's Tavern and fantastic yarn was spun over an ale or two until one day Sir Snorfkin disappeared, rather mysteriously.

There were rumors of him taking on an adventure in a country shire far, far away across the Hawixia mountains to the south.

With his disappearance, the Snorfkingdom fell into a deep slumber almost like in Grimm's fairytale Sleeping Beauty. Most Snorflings went their ways to make ends meet. Yet, Bjorn's tavern still stands and will welcome any traveler that might find their way to the Vale.

To aid travelers from afar and in hopes that Sir Snorfkin will find his way back to his kingdom I have devised this rough map of our Snorfkingdom. Not too many details are known but those that are - you will find on the map.

Until we meet again, Sir Snorfkin & Snorflings, - and as a once-famous race liked to say:

Live long and prosper!



Being in this current creative rut, not feeling like taking on a new painting and seeing AI-generated art popping up left and right... I took a step or two back and instead drew a couple of pencil portraits (= different post) and also this pixel art map.

Pixel art is not for everyone, but it lives in the Snorfkingdom, and it is harder than it looks, especially if you go smaller and smaller. This map is 800x600 px = pretty big for pixel art but then again - I am a mere beginner in this.

Have a great rest of your day!



Unless otherwise noted, copyright for all photos, dividers and gifs ©Oceanbee|ImagesByCW


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