The rush of the seasons


Don't you think everything happened very fast this year? Very quickly and unnoticed. Oh, I'm starting this thread about the seasons again because I just can't shake this particular feeling that things are moving too fast and way out of time. This year.


It wasn't like that last year, I'm sure. I can say that because the previous years I was much more concentrated in observing the nature around me.


This year it's not like that because I'm too busy with other things, but I notice something is wrong. It's still February if you ask me. I'm purposely treating the current days of March as February only because I'm waiting for something and I need to get through something and the longer I say I haven't gotten through it the faster and unnoticed it will pass...


Yeah I'm aware, that you don't understand what I'm talking about 😃, but it's a simple psychological trick that makes life a little easier, and imperceptible too, of course.


So what I'm talking about in this post anyway... it's about the seasons. And I wouldn't have said anything if a tulip hadn't already bloomed under my window. You know, I did research and observation of the tulips in our garden last year and I captured the long process of birth and flowering of these flowers. But it hadn't happened in early March, and it certainly hadn't happened that quickly. Besides, I have already seen butterflies in the garden, the bees have also long since awakened from their sleep, and in the garden there is now a constant chorus of all kinds of bees, which are circling the blossoming trees, flowers and wildflowers...


Do you think that this is normal? Because I don't think so 🤔

Copyright: @soulsdetour

Hive.jpgSoul's Detour is a project started by me years ago when I had a blog about historical and not so popular tourist destinations in Eastern Belgium, West Germany and Luxembourg. Nowadays, this blog no longer exists, but I'm still here - passionate about architecture, art and mysteries and eager to share my discoveries and point of view with you.
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