Colors of nature - the perfect blend


This post is again inspired by a travel contest, but since the photos were taken in my garden, I just let myself be inspired by the theme and decided to show them to you. Because it's already time for these photos. And I'm in a hurry to show them to you precisely because of this - you know that I don't like to show things that are happening at the moment, that are traditional for this very moment... 😃


But let's get back to the theme... Colors of nature.

And what other colors in nature can you immediately think of when it comes to colors in nature? Isn't this at first thought flowers first? (You know, I even think I've written this somewhere here before... 😁 it's so annoying when what you write seems strangely familiar to you. But there's no other way when I'm expressing my own my thoughts on certain issues and they are often repeated.)


But today I'm showing you some other, more specific flowers, about which I've also talked a lot - the flowers on fruit trees. And as varied as they are in their colors (you know I prepared a whole guide for you last year), how about even the color white?


Isn't it even amazing, isn't it even wonderful? I know photographers here would say that white is just a shade, but that's not the case when we talk about the perfection and uniqueness of nature.


Of course, pink is even more beautiful. I personally like it the most, I have told you before when I presented the colors of the flowers of the fruit trees.


And you don't have to be some high-level connoisseur or a big specialist to like this color. On the contrary...


because in real life... well, let's put people's personal tastes and preferences aside. Here we are talking about nature and its extraordinary creatures, which are always perfect.


But look here... it's already a work of art. Two colors... perfect. The perfect balance, the perfect blend.


It cannot be recreated by man. Or at least it can't be made up by him that way. Human imagination cannot reach the heights of natural intelligence, not even in the matter of colors and their mixing.


Copyright: @soulsdetour

Hive.jpgSoul's Detour is a project started by me years ago when I had a blog about historical and not so popular tourist destinations in Eastern Belgium, West Germany and Luxembourg. Nowadays, this blog no longer exists, but I'm still here - passionate about architecture, art and mysteries and eager to share my discoveries and point of view with you.
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