Changes ahead

I'm still counting the days, the winter days I mean, but something has changed already, don't you think?


Even I, who fear winter, admit it.


And I must also admit that this change began to be felt since the beginning of last month. It's not even from yesterday or the day before.


It's since the beginning of the new year, and that beginning was certainly not chosen by chance anyway.


Everything actually started much earlier.


We should probably note this at all costs.


December and the winter solstice. This is where the change begins.


Though in this hard time, this deep winter then, one is unable to think of change. Not able to think about life at all, if you ask me.


So at this time of year, I prefer not to think. I hibernate, as I told you, my brain does the same because it survives. And it waits.


Then the New Year came and something suddenly happened. More on a mental level.


Someone bought travel photos from my stock agency portfolio. Can you imagine? In the middle of winter, someone bought travel photos!


And then I remembered. People are already waking up to life. 6 months before summer, they are already preparing for vacations and trips.


The New Year is like a psychological border. If we get over it, everything changes, everything gets better.


Then the bird came to my window. Maybe to show me that there is still life out there, in this winter. That not everything is over. That on the contrary, things are moving, things are getting better.


Then I noticed something else. A few weeks ago it was getting dark at 4:30pm. At 17 it was already pitch black. Today it is still almost light at 6pm. Wow, what progress so unnoticed happened!


Snowdrops bloomed.
Did you know that the Italian word for snowdrop is "bucaneve", which literally means "pierce the snow". Is not this name of this flower so aptly chosen, because even its coming into the world every year is so symbolic? The flower, the life, makes its way through the snow and death.


But it's not just this plant. After the fruiting bushes that I showed you, there are now other plants in the garden that have already bloomed. And today I saw a lonely dandelion. Yes, a yellow-flowered dandelion in the middle of the meadow. In the middle of winter.


Our three cats... enjoying the sun like I told you. But Blackie is on heat!
He's the only one who hasn't been neutered, and now I'm not having it easy on the poor kitty. But this happens in the middle of February! God, winter is by no means a dead season 😹
The other animals? Insects? We had to put back the net on the bedroom window because a few flies had already managed to get in. (I don't know which is worse - a cat or a fly getting inside 😄)

So, I'm hopeful. I sit and wait, yes. But it's not as hopeless as it used to be.

Copyright: @soulsdetour

Hive.jpgSoul's Detour is a project started by me years ago when I had a blog about historical and not so popular tourist destinations in Eastern Belgium, West Germany and Luxembourg. Nowadays, this blog no longer exists, but I'm still here - passionate about architecture, art and mysteries and eager to share my discoveries and point of view with you.
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