Just found this Community!

I hadn't noticed this AI Art & Information community until now!
I've been posting some AI art in the Alien Art Community and just didn't feel like that community focused on AI ART.

I found Home! I commit to becoming a truly active member in this community and hope to bring as much value as I can. If there is every anything I can help yall with, please don't hesitate to ask.

I consider myself a midjourney Aficionado

I'll share a few of my most recent favorite images

I call this King of the streets. It definitely as some Nike Ad vibes to it

This was my shot at a more modern day ANT man. Obviously with some extra fingers because AI LOVES to add fingers.

This image started as an attempt to turn the Twitter bird into an everyday superhero. Better not act up, as he seems to always be recording activity on his iphone.


As you can tell, i've been on this super hero type kick lately. I wasn't really into them as kids, and I hate marvel movies- but someting about creating your own characters has sparked something inside me.

I also enjoy creating Pixar type characters, Growing up watching disney and pixar I can't help but relate to them, and now having the tools to make them has been so much fun- this is called Monday Mood

This suit is sick AF. Love playing around with different futuristic type suits with complimentary colors.

Also love playing around with what I call "icey vibes"- I think it has to do with having ice in your veins while navigating trying to grow as an artist. Ya gotta get through the rough couple years where noone gives a shit about your work. Thats where I currently stand mentally.

Last one for today will be this sick ass astronaut citizen. Maybe we will all have to wear these suits come next virus outbreak?

Anyway, once again, I am so excited to have found this community. I know the sub count isn't high, but AI ART will have an exponential growth very soon. It is such an amazing tool for expression, and so I can't wait to grow with you guys.

Talk to you all soon!


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