5 Pixar Style Characters of the Day

Greetings my friends. Here are 5 Pixar style images I created in Midjourney last week.

5 ) First off we have your classic Pixar style Bad guy- except- hes actually a good guy at heart, but maybe had a bad upbringing. His heart grows throughout the movie and you end up loving him at the end

  1. This is what I Imagine mr Joe Biden would look like if he was running for mayor of Whoville

  2. This is your classic Russian grandfather maybe working on a crossword puzzle?

  3. Here is Justin Timberlake if he was in Shrek

  4. Last but not least here is Snoop Dog if he was grinched out, smoking in Whoville.

Midjourney is such a cool tool for experimentation and expression. If anyone has anyone questions or wants to join a community learning how to use the tool let me know!

Much love, and I'll catch ya on the next one.


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