I've got to keep howling at the moon until this works

I am back again with another set of thumbnails, hoping that I can accept one of these, any of these as the final outcome for my Tarot card series which is generated by machine learning, AI, and other digital creation tools. This has been a labour of many, many months; and one that will likely continue for some more time beyond the actual image selection.


There's a bunch of thumbnails, let's move on to critique of larger images.


If this woman did not look like she was reeling away from the moon in pain, but was instead elegantly calling out to the moon like a werewolf, I would consider throwing this image at the wall labelled "final", but I'm not doing that; for the reasons I just outlined.


Sadly, the image above has too many hands, but otherwise, it is compositionally interesting, and has some great use of colour. There's even a creature at the bottom of the image that I failed to notice, howling. Pretty cool.


The backlit body and the waves of fabric, and uneven illumination here don't really coalesce together into a cohesive image format. As a result; this image is probably something to throw on top of the garbage pile.


I like the mystical nature of this image. It has the natural vignette to the bottom, and the presence of the hand on the right hand side of the body, along with the seperataion from the hip creates an interesting compositional element.

I think that image is the one. There won't be much editing to this one, if at all; and I'm excited to move on to other images in the series; as my representational brain wants to produce more and more.

It's like a feeling of FOMO, but for an infinite pool of images.

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