Final Moon - Major Arcana Tarot Card series

Here is another image to be tweaked, ever so slightly, into a final image. I want to add a vignette (or at least make the existing, natural one more pronounced), and adjust colour and contrast slighty.

This will probably be done entirely within Adobe Camera Raw, and most likely be a single step from starting image to final.

Being a "photographer" first, and a "AI artist" second, probably helps this side of image processing.

Here is the starting image:


And here is the output:


There were a few adjustments in terms of brightness / contrast; and an increase in the underlying image resolution (but not an increase in the quality of the visuals). There was also an increase in exposure, and the introduction of a harsh vignette over the whole image.

This will go on the completed pile, and it's now time to move onto the next image in the series; which will lead to more torture as I choose which image to be the final.

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