[NEW COMMUNITY] Steem Help Community comes to Life!

In my early days on Steem I read some pretty amazing tutorials. Some of them I tried to find months later and couldn't. Hive communities are a way to better segment content and improve content discovery. And I believe they will have a big impact.

What are currently the options if you want to know something specific about how Steem works?

  • ask a friend
  • make a post about it (good luck with that, if you don't have Steem savvy followers who like to engage)
  • join one of the few onboarding initiatives and hope their materials are up to date or otherwise that you will find someone to explain it to you one-on-one
  • ask in the larger communities on Discord for help

Someone will answer, because we do have great communities here on Steem, but it's unlikely the helpful answers you receive will be seen by someone else who will have the same question in the future.

That's why a community focused on Q&A about Steem will help.

On the other side, if you create a guide or a tutorial for Steem and anything related, Steem Help is an excellent community where to post it, because you will find the audience which needs such content and should be eager to consume it.


After I searched the existing communities, I surprisingly discovered no one created such a community yet. I mean there is "Education" community by @steemiteducation, but it seems to be focused on all fields of education, and haven't seen any post about Steem there.

I'm not the only one who remarked the need for a Steem Help community (i.e. @brianoflondon, @ roadscape, @ddrfr33k).

So here it is:

I hope we'll make it a very useful community for steemians of all levels of knowledge, not only beginners.

Do you have a question about Steem? Go ahead and ask! Write a post in the community above with your question. Make it as clear as you can so people can help you.

Do you have an answer? Go ahead and comment to a question-post with your answer.

If you guys or gals start a conversation, even better.

Do you see many recurring questions? Write a guide / tutorial. If it's a great one it will likely be pinned at least for a while. Great questions with, but especially without answers can get pinned too.

See ya' here ==> https://beta.steemit.com/trending/hive-111390

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