Wall Street Buys Main Street

We're in the middle of the "Everything Bubble". Stock markets, bonds and real estate are all inflated to levels far above their expected long term valuation due to a lot of "free money" entering those markets.

source: YouTube

This has been going on since the late 1980s and early 1990s, starting with the effects of Reagan's deregulation-spree. Since then the overarching mantra has been: "let the markets do their magic, and for God's sake, keep the government out of it!" Well, we now know that the movers and shakers of the markets own the government; the government has never been "out of it" but instead has worked for those movers and shakers, the modern robber barons. There is no distinction between capitalism's need for constant growth, the capitalists' need for ever growing profits, and governments' need to be able to point to that ever growing economy. How else will the political parties win elections?

Trickle down economics is a scam, you should know this by now. Wealth doesn't trickle down. What does trickle down however is debts and inflation; your dollars will be worth less tomorrow than they are today, and goods will rise in prices. By far the biggest part of all the "free money", due to interest rates close to 0 percent, has flowed into stocks and bonds; rich people don't buy stuff, they already have everything, so their money seeks out places where it can make them even more money. But now they've also discovered the real estate markets. Hedge funds and billionaires are on a FOMO buying-spree to purchase real estate, leaving average citizens caught in a bidding frenzy which they have no chance to win. House prices have soared to the moon. And those billionaire hedge funds don't buy those homes to live in themselves of course; they'll rent them out and in some cases they'll wait until current tenants are kicked out, to then rent them out to higher income individuals. There's no housing shortage, houses are just too expensive for most people.

Wealth trickles up, and when the everything bubble bursts, we the people will be left holding the bag, bailing out these same billionaires. This has happened many times before and there's no sign that anything has changed in this criminal system. On the contrary; things have only gotten worse. Here's but one short video out of the many that have been published on this phenomenon. Like the title says: the economy that serves only the individuals and entities that are responsible for growth and bubbles is destroying everything...

Krystal Ball: How Wall St Is DESTROYING Housing Like It Destroyed The World

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