Pro-Life? Anti-Life?

I guess we'll just go on where we left yesterday. In the space of just two days, the conservative majority of the Supreme Court showed just how hypocritical they are.

source: GoodFreePhotos

On Friday 22 June 2022 Roe v Wade died; I wrote about that tragic historical moment in yesterday's post. It was a 6-3 vote against individual liberty for women, against their bodily autonomy. Yesterday's ruling was the outcome of a decades long fight against abortion-rights under the guise of being "pro-life," defending the right to life of the unborn. The hypocrisy in this lies in the fact that the conservative movement and its political party, the GOP, aren't pro-life at all when it comes to the breathing and living portion of the population. You know, the ones that are actually counted in the census, the ones who, under the Constitution, are actually considered citizens.

With yesterday's Supreme Court decision the federal right to an abortion was abolished, granting the individual states the autonomy to legislate abortion in their own manner. In roughly half of those 50 states this will ban and criminalize abortion, and in some of them these new laws are already in effect because they prepared for this moment by passing "trigger laws" in advance. Others, including Michigan, Wisconsin and West Virginia simply didn't remove abortion restrictions already in place before the 1973 Roe v Wade ruling.

Legislators in 13 states have passed so-called "trigger laws," which are bans designed to go into effect if Roe is overturned. In some cases, the law requires an official such as an attorney general to certify that Roe has been struck down before the law can take effect.
source: CNN - May 3, 2022

This strike against individual rights and liberty is presented by its proponents as a return to the Constitution, when it was in fact the 14th Amendment that was used in the 1973 Roe v Wade ruling to affirm the right to receive an abortion. It's also presented as a return to States' legislative autonomy. If you know anything at all about the history of these United States of America, you know that States' rights have always been used as justification for the country's most horrible anti-life practices, like slavery and the right to bear arms. When a Republican screams "States' Rights!!" you can bet they're preparing to turn back the clock to times when the order of things were clearer and simpler.

The hypocrisy of these conservatives plays out on many levels. Take the ruling in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc., et al. v. Bruen, the big gun case that the Supreme Court decided on Thursday 21 June, just one day before killing Roe v Wade. New York had specific gun-control law that is now ruled to be unconstitutional. You can read all about it here: in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc., et al. v. Bruen, the big gun case that the Supreme Court decided on Thursday. "On Thursday, a conservative majority struck down a hundred-and-eleven-year-old gun law restricting the ability to carry handguns outside of the home." The vote was exactly the same, 6-3, as in the Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization ruling that overturned Roe. The conservatives don't waste any time now that they have a super-majority, in this case turning back the clock more than a century...

Setting aside personal opinions on gun-control, do you see the problem here? They insist on States'rights when it comes to abortion, but they deny States'rights when it comes to the 2nd Amendment. I don't know about you, but I always thought the Trias Politica was all about the separation of powers to insure a balancing between the legislative, executive and judiciary powers. It sure seems that SCOTUS acts as an extension of the elected legislators of the conservative branch. Well, if you're already turning back the clock, why not go all the way back to before the city-states of Ancient Greece..?

The so-called "Pro-Life" party isn't pro-life at all. It's pro life for the not-yet-living. Life for the unborn, tools of death for the living. It's an outrage. Here's another depressing video for you, predicting Thursday's 6-3 ruling on the 2nd Amendment and the right to carry a concealed weapon.

NYSRPA v. Bruen - 2021 Supreme Court Gun Case

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