Mainstream Mistrust

Mainstream Mistrust

The Mainstream media can not be trusted. That's just a healthy general rule of thumb to live by, because the mainstream media is controlled by capital. And nothing and no one that's controlled by capital can be trusted. That doesn't mean however that everything they say is a lie.

source: YouTube

Not only during the aftermath of the American presidential election, but more generally speaking I've seen growing mistrust in what the mainstream media has to say. And generally speaking I find that encouraging because the mainstream media has 100% fallen into subservience to capital; they only show that which is approved by the guardians of the neoliberal status quo. As a result, the mainstream media lie, most of the time not outright but merely by omission. By not spending time on world-views that do not comply with what's deemed appropriate by the rich rulers of the world, they guard the boundaries of the Overton window of public discourse. This is done so effectively that people like Obama or Biden, who are staunch neoliberals, are called socialists and communists. Some Republicans truly believe that America will become socialist under a Biden presidency; I've seen many interviews with celebrities and common folks alike who even consider leaving the country if Trump doesn't win. I wonder if these people have packed yet... Nah, if you believe Biden's a socialist, you'll also believe that Trump hasn't lost the election...

In recent years I've seen more and more people dismiss outright anything that's said in the Mainstream media, and that's not encouraging at all. Like I said: they don't lie by telling untruths most of the time. The lies are in how they frame questions, how they omit information needed to form a weighed opinion, how they legitimize certain viewpoints that don't deserve legitimizing because they're rejected by scientific consensus. Not even politicians lie by telling plain untruths most of the time; they refuse to answer questions, mostly in order to repeat their own talking points ad nauseam, they point accusing fingers at their opponents and tell untruths about those opponents, they'll spread misinformation about foreign countries and so on, but all the while they'll make sure their lies are half-truths, exaggerating or euphemizing where it suits their goals. Example: even the most leftist media outlets hesitate to call Trump a fascist and instead call him an ordinary authoritarian. On the other hand most right wing media outlets will brand any politician to the left of Ronald Reagan a socialist or communist...

So, a healthy general mistrust of what's said in the mainstream media is a good thing, as long as you're aware of why they're not to be trusted. That does not mean however that you can just dismiss everything they say. The Moon-landing did happen. The earth is not flat. Covid-19 is real; whether it's man-made I don't know, and that it's being abused by governments and big business to increase their control over us is also clear as far as I'm concerned, but it's real and real people are dying from it. Trump is a liar and a cheat and a fraud. Ans last but not least; Trump has lost the election, and he announced beforehand that he would not accept any other outcome than a win. Remember that he also investigated voter fraud in 2016, even though he won that election? And do you remember what came of those investigations? What happened with the claim that 300 million illegal votes were cast by illegal immigrants? No? Well, that's not surprising because nothing came from them. Trump is the first president in history to not cooperate with a peaceful transition of power, yet another way in which he is truly unique, but not something to be proud of and will be a stain on his legacy for sure.

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