Mainstream Lamestream

It's difficult for me to really criticize people who completely dismiss anything they learn from the mainstream media'even if I think it's the wrong thing to do. The amount of lies and propaganda disseminated on behalf of a very small and very powerful elite is enough to turn any reasonable person away from cable news and mainstream newspapers; it's really that bad...


source: YouTube

We live in extremely dangerous and polarized times; only people with the most cushy positions in life will be able to deny it. I've on many occasions made the mistake of, while looking for answers for the polarized and atomized state of our non-societies, concentrating too much on the obvious fear-mongering and rage-inducing clickbait on online social platforms, and, as a consequence, have had too little to say about the mainstream media's serpentine role in this dismantling of social cohesion. The fact is that the mainstream media is filled with people in "the most cushy positions". It's like Rutger Bergman once said to Tucker Carlson's face: "You're a millionaire funded by billionaires". And that goes for all talking heads on all mainstream media channels, not just for poor old Tucker.

The mainstream media still is the loudest megaphone on the public square, not in the least because of the fact they've made an unholy alliance with the large privately owned social platforms. However dumb I personally think it is to cheer on Elon Musk when he announces to buy Twitter, I see how freedom loving people get sick and tired with that platform; the blue check-marks have taken over after all. And again, it's not a right versus left thing, it's like almost every other thing in this world: it's about the money and those who have it, but still think they need more.

You can clearly see how the mainstream media has become a lame duck, a passive mouthpiece for the government who, in turn, has become the lackey of said billionaire, if we distance ourselves and regard them from a birds-eye-view; every war in every country since the Great War at the very least, has been cooked up, rationalized, propagandized and made worse by the brainwashing of the general public by the mainstream media. Every American president since Richard Nixon has worked television producers, dedicated speech writers, make-up artists and public relation managers to present an image they knew would score with the general public because of millions spent in advance on marketing research, psychologists and polling bureau's. It's a very well funded show, essentially, not a democracy. The last thing a single leader or a ruling class needs, is a well informed and well educated public.

That wasn't any different in the past, with the exception maybe of a short period after the invention of the printing press, radio, television and the internet respectively; they all ushered in a means of freely disseminating information for the masses, but they all soon were rendered useless for the masses by ever greater conglomerations of capital owners. Television is now in its last, and the internet in its first stage of the ruling class's consolidation. And it should surprise no one who has even the faintest idea of how human history has progressed; "they" still fear the mob with pitchforks will burn their lofty mansions down.

But never before has their control mechanism been as all-encompassing and infiltrating as it is now. Citizens, or I should say consumers, carry their personal brainwashing-machine all day everyday anywhere they go. And the money behind the news doesn't trust the consumers to make decisions on their own. Columnists, anchors, talk-show hosts and now internet influencers are in a special class of their own called, wait for it, "opinion makers". They don't trust you to form your own opinion on, let's say, the next invasion or coupe d'état, or, even more important, the events leading up to it. I've said it many times before and I'll say it again: never in human history has one group of people invaded another group of people, to murder, pillage and rape, on their own. It's always been the leaders who had some quarrel with each other, one leader wanting something from another leader, and they both lied to their peoples, demonizing the other side, to get them to send their young sons and daughters to get what they want.

So where do we stand? How can we trust anything that's said about the war in Ukraine? Or about COVID-19? Or whatever other life-changing topic? I have a few simple general rules to assess any news from any platform, the most important of which is to always ask "qui bono?" or "who profits". Follow the money. Money means power. Information means power. Look at the people who wield the money and the information, and follow the money. Following those simple rules, you soon conclude, long before it's common knowledge, that the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq had nothing to do with terrorism, and everything with large defense contracts and the oil. By following those rules I've concluded for myself that no, COVID-19 isn't a hoax, but yes, Big Pharma will use it to make money, and yes, governments will use it to take even more control over their populations. Just like the way they used the 9/11 attacks to invade countries, kill thousands of innocent people, but also sign the Patriot Act and many more freedom destroying laws and regulations worldwide. It's not a conspiracy, it's just how capitalism works, it's just the new imperialism with Kings and Lords replaced by CEO's and Senators.

And their spokespersons in the mainstream lamestream. I'm again not saying to dismiss everything coming from the mainstream media, and I'm not saying to believe everything coming from alternative media. We live in times when dis- and misinformation comes from all sides. All we can do is carefully pick and choose our sources and even then assess every bit of news by comparing multiple and contradicting sources. If you do, you'll soon find that, for example, that the whole panic around schools installing litter boxes to please furries, spread by right wing media, is a load of bull-crap. And of course we find again Marjory Tailor Greene and Lauren Boebert spreading these wild conspiracies, as well as Nebraskan state senator Bruce Bostelman, Minnesotan candidate for governor Scott Jensen and... Joe Rogan. Well, Joe has become mainstream as well... so...

Joe Rogan Falls For The 'Litter Box' Lie

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