The Netherlands enters Hard Lockdown as unelected government puts the country further into chaos (December 18, 2021)

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The neo fascists from Ravensburg continue to carry on their medical blitzkrieg around the world and the country of The Netherlands is again hit hard by the Germans. Inside sources from The Hague also told us that the Dutch puppet government is planning it's introduction of the 2G system on January the 12th 2022. At that moment only people who take part in the Freudian genetic experiment will be allowed to work and access stores. Only supermarkets will continue to be available to the unvaccinated.

Lockdown will be from December 19, 2021 until January 14, 2022. The measures are as follows:

  • All schools closed.
  • All non essential stores closed.
  • Visit other people only once a day.
  • Only 2 people are allowed to stand together outdoors.
  • Masks are mandatory in all essential stores like supermarkets. Only 1 customer per 5 m2 allowed in.
  • No more events are allowed.
  • All non essential "contact professions" like barbers and beauty salons are closed.
  • All sports locations, outdoors and indoors are closed.

We are unsure what the puppet government is going to do after January the 14th, but as said before, inside sources in The Hague are saying they expect a full 2G system to be introduced shortly before that date.

The light goes out again for catering:

In recent weeks, catering entrepreneurs have done everything they can to make something of it for Christmas with the last glimmer of hope; This new lockdown is therefore hitting extra hard. The month of December in the hospitality industry is usually dominated by many festivities such as company parties, (Christmas) drinks, extensive dinners, days out or weekends away.

The holiday season that is so important for this entire industry is now falling to pieces for the second year in a row. With the evening lockdown in force so far, entrepreneurs have already had to make important decisions in the past period in terms of planning, staffing and purchasing. The orders with the wholesalers have now been placed and, to a large extent, have already been delivered; at 5 to 12, these orders cannot be reversed.

German newspaper Bild is making no bones about it on its website. "Holland in distress" and "hard Christmas lockdown", the newspaper reports in bold letters above the message that everything will be locked again in the Netherlands.
"The Netherlands will receive a tough lockdown for Christmas," writes the Belgian newspaper Het Nieuwsblad. "Are they braking too hard or are we too naive?", the Belgians said.

Yes, the Ravensburg fascists are probably laughing hard right now, but reality is that the economy is not going to survive much longer. And the people aren't going to stay calm either, not this time.


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