Data privacy is not part of EU Commission’s "European values" (March 13, 2022)


ChatControl – e-derogation and Upload Filters

The European Commission recently adopted Digital Service Act legislation (DSA), advocating for users right to take control over their data and limit data transfer to advertisers. As a part of the DSA, the EU aims to use upload filters, that will restrict the free flow of information, giving the Governments power to decide what information we have access to and what not. At the present, the censorship has fallen hard on many content, that is placing our Governments under unfavourable light. With upload filters content will be prevented from reaching the audience all together, violating human right to free access to information, freedom of expression and opinion.

Another EU legislation, Mandatory ChatControl 2.0, is aimed to replace the temporary ChatControl legislation that was adopted on 6th July 2021, it is published on March 30th. This makes e-derogation a permanent law. Once again, the mainstream media is silent, showing no respect to readers right to know, what the Government and their Institutions are legislating.

With the online digital mass surveillance in place and diminishing freedom of speech and opinion, the governments are grasping the opportunity to gain more control, promote targeted propaganda and manipulating opinions, while using tools to silence the dissidence. By restricting access to independent, uncensored news and media, people are receiving one sided view of any event and have nothing to compare, if the information is true.

The timing of introducing these fundamentally internet transforming legislation’s is peculiar, in the western societies, the citizens are facing already several violations to their fundamental human rights. In form of vaccine mandates, mass-surveillance: through “ChatControl”, in the US similar legislation is called “EarnItAct” and in the UK “Online Safety Bill”. Transforming societies to use digital ID wallet’s, GreenPass travel documents, cashless society and other legislation’s that are not part of “Democracy” but a society, that uses social scoring system, like in China.

Europol, who has stored tons of data of citizens, they flagged “suspicious”, without evidence of any wrong doing, is supported by the European Commission and Council who announced in EU France 2022, that secret Trialogue talks are on way with the European Court of Justice. Europol recently had been ordered to delete the data effective immediately. However, on February 1st Europol received superpowers from the Member states and European Parliament, to receive data directly from web giants.

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