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Conspiracy Theories: A dead end road for the working class? (A Marxist Deep Dive) - Part 1


Since the beginning of the "corona pandemic" we've seen a wide range of new conspiracy theories. For example, the idea that corona is a hoax to create a new world order, or the idea that vaccines contain chips of a microscopic size. True or not, we won't judge on that in this article, but this trend where these theories are gaining popularity has been going on much longer. And in this deep dive we will research this, the problems they can cause, but also why these theories are now on the rise like never before.

"Some corporations own almost the entire economy", we hear a calm voice saying in a Youtube video. The speaker then shows how big institutional investors are largely responsible again for creating the capital of these huge corporations. A story that will sound familiar to most marxists, yes.
But the video is not a political or economical analysis of the "monopoly capital", but descends into a story about a sinister conspiracy, explaining about how the great leaders invented Covid to create a "great reset" in the world.

A reactionary approach, that keeps capitalism safe?

On the internet we find many of these conspiracies. And due to recent developments they are gaining more and more popularity. Usually it starts with a subject that worries many people, or makes them angry, for good reasons. The destruction of healthcare for example, the mismanagement of the pandemic, or the contradictions in governments policies. Or the fact power and capital is being moved towards a tiny elite. But instead of scientifically studying why these and other problems exist, all kinds of facts and supposed facts are linked to each other. These theories always end up blaming only a few individuals for everything. Those few individuals need to be "removed", and then everything returns to normal. In this way, the system will never change. It stays out of reach.

So the biggest problem with these theories is not that they are right or wrong. The problem is the unscientific and one-sided way reality is approached. We see talks about a few individuals, but never about the real cause of the problems, the system. We don't see a focus on the essence of the problems, and how they developed. And it is this unscientific approach that makes these conspiracy theories "reactionary".

Conspiracy theories, useful to defend the system?

So it isn't strange that certain theories are also supported by elements of big capital. Not just because these theories completely distract from all kinds of problems in society, essentially protecting super capitalism, but also because they can be used to discredit competitors.
Many conspiracy theories are connected with far right and nationalist movements, aimed at the "globalists" who are out to destroy the nation state. Right or not, some politicians make use of these theories, and speak out against "cultural marxism" that would supposedly make it illegal to be proud of your country and threatens our so called "freedom". Supposedly there is a cultural-marxistic elite that plans it all.

The problems created by the current super capitalist system are blamed on a supposed "left wing elite" and in that way other "hostile parties" can pretend to be on the side of the normal people.

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