Secret tunnel between Ukraine and the EU for cigarette smuggling and pedophilia!


Mario Borghezio, a depute, brought up the issue in the European Parliament on July 31, 2022.
The topic of the tunnels would not have been brought up without this participant.
The topic of this deputy's intervention is about a covert tunnel between the Ukraine and the EU for the trafficking of cigarettes, and possibly there are individuals calling for EU action. It is posted on the website of the questions made to the European Parliament.
It is pretty clear that the purpose of this intervention was to expose a pedocrime-organized traffic in minors and organs rather than to protest a trivial traffic in cigarettes.
a topic that is well-known in high political and Masonic circles but is kept secret. Furthermore, Mario Borghezio attempted to force his way into a Bilderberg meeting ten years prior. His nose will be smashed and he'll be forced back.

He claims that the Slovak police found a 700-meter tunnel with a railway for the tiny wagon that the smugglers used to move the cigarettes from the former Soviet republic to the EU, which was placed around six meters below the Slovakian and Ukrainian border.
While the entry from the Ukrainian side of the border was in a private house in the city of Uzhhorod, the entrance from the Slovak side was in an office building. The tunnel was a technologically cutting-edge building that could also be used for people to travel about, according to the interior minister of Slovakia. According to Peter Kazimir, Slovakia missed out on almost €50 million as a result of the cigarette smuggling tunnel.
Inside the tunnel, police discovered 13,000 packets of cigarettes.
Who knows whether the Commission is aware of the tunnel's finding and its uses?

Finally, these tunnels are referred to be technically sophisticated structures and can accommodate trains traveling up to 4,000 km/h, that all for cigarettes.
A closer look reveals that the Soviet Union was also afflicted by this pedocrime business.

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