You are not..


(unfinished work by @wooka)

You are not your name
You are not your body
You are not your mind
You are not your feelings
You are not your beliefs
You are not your brain
You are not your heart

Anything that you have ever been identified /-ying with
has nothing to do with your reality.

You are only a pure witness

This is what I know about you
and you don't know.

I know this about you,
because I know this about me.

People always say and know that one can take nothing in the grave..
and are still afraid of death.

What are you afraid of loosing ?

and clinging to ?

that you had in "life" and wont in the time before and after ?
Before life you had the Prerequisites for life
and you will also after.

But when people say to know that one can take nothing in the grave..
They probably mean that from another perspective.
Thinking of only having that one life and living it hedonistic, fun-maximised and reckless.
What got one to loose? One will die and everything is wayne, anyways
Probably also the reason it now results in collective guilt and "saving the planet"

Still they hate death and fear it and miss their lost and want to live forever (uploading in the cloud, trashumanism, "optimising life")

And think Schopenhauer or even gnosis is way too negative (as reason why not to read)

I'm on the contrary
and am very thankful for death.
Without the eternal transience/ perishing/ flow
there would be no change.

And reality would be frozen in the status quo state of hell - which is also what psychopaths try to achieve - always.

IT IS LIKE THAT (unimportant the facade/ mask - god, religion, science)

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