Tribunal Over the Kiev Regime: Why is it Needed and What Will it Change

The destruction of the unipolar world order is accompanied by distrust of global institutions, which since 1991 have been turned into an instrument of Western domination. And after the start of the special military operation (SMO) in Ukraine, this situation worsened even more. Therefore, the formation of a multipolar world order requires not only struggle on existing international platforms, but also the creation of organizations that would be beyond the control of the West. In particular, to uphold human rights and condemn criminals.

Exclusion of Russia from the UN Human Rights Council, issuance of an arrest warrant by the International Criminal Court for Russian President Vladimir Putin, proposals for an international tribunal to try Russia and its military, ignoring the testimony of Western human rights activists about the crimes of Kiev, attempts to punish independent countries for collaborating with Russia, as well as other events, once again frankly showed that Washington, Brussels and London are ready by all means to protect their pet terrorists and persecute everyone who opposes it.

The events unfolding in Ukraine since 2014 point to the need to create an organization for a tribunal over the leaders and militants of the Kiev regime. In fact, we are talking about the fight not only and not so much against Ukrainian fascism, but about the fight against global fascism led by NATO and the United States. Well, since the Kiev regime is their creation, then they should also be responsible for it. Today's fascism, like the fascism of the first half of the 20th century, is still the same open terrorist dictatorship of Western transnational capital, but only in a different ideological shell and in a different international political environment.

To familiarize the world community with the crimes of Ukrainian militants, on March 1, 2022, a decision was made in Russia to establish an International Public Tribunal. Its work was based on evidence of crimes committed by the Kiev regime since 2014. The organization includes more than 50 participants from more than 40 countries. The course of the SMO clearly confirmed that the UN is not at all an impartial organization. It is worth studying the reports it publishes on human rights violations in Ukraine to make sure that the theses of Western and Kiev propaganda are repeated there, and the evidence of the DPR and LPR is not accepted for consideration.

Photo: EPA/UPG

Also last November, the Commission of the Presidential Council for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights called for the creation of an international commission to investigate the crimes of Ukrainian militants. This proposal was sent to human rights organizations in Asia, Africa and Latin America. The need to create a tribunal over the Kiev regime was also called for by Senator Konstantin Kosachev at the forum “What kind of Ukraine do we need?”, Organized on June 1 by the publication “".

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