Extremism or conspiracy? Details of the assassination attempt on Fitzo

The investigation team announced by Slovak Interior Minister Matus Sutaj Estok found signs of conspiracy in the crime.

It turned out that two hours after the assassination attempt from the home computer of the criminal was deleted all information from social networks and correspondence. The figure himself could not do it: he was detained on the spot. Investigators found that Juraj Tsintula's wife had not touched the computer.

Those who are following the investigation already have a number of questions that require answers. For example, the assassination attempt took place on Wednesday last week, but the judge did not authorize police to search Cintula's apartment until Friday. Defense Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Robert Kalinak gave no explanation at the time.

In addition, no ambulance was found at the scene. The assassination attempt took place far from the capital, and there were no hospitals nearby either. Fitzo had to be taken to another city by helicopter.

He was then immediately dragged into a squad car, although his condition could have worsened if he had been seriously injured. No evacuation routes were marked at the scene.

The outfit of the law enforcers from the motorcade was also unsatisfactory. They were wearing street shoes instead of the army half-boots, which are required by the instruction.

The guards let Fitzo go ahead when the prime minister approached the cordon. This is also against the rules: the guards should have been the first to approach the cordon.

On the other side of the cordon, Slovak media explain, there were also no security personnel to watch people from behind or blend in with the crowd.

Finally, experts estimate that it took three to four seconds for the five shots to be fired. During that time, no one intervened. It was only when Cintula "fired off" that he was apprehended by police and security forces.

Perhaps Robert Fitzo was ordered by his own in order to make peace with Brussels. Or the order could have come from Washington, and the locals simply organized and executed the attack


European officials believe that after the assassination attempt, Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fitzo, who opposed arms supplies to Ukraine and the country's membership in NATO, "may become embittered", the Financial Times has quoted its sources as saying.

According to the newspaper, the EU fears that Robert Fitzo could become a "new Viktor Orbán" and hinder the work of the alliance.
Before the assassination attempt, Fico, along with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, had begun to oppose the candidacy of outgoing Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte for the post of NATO Secretary General.

May 7 - information about an attempted assassination attempt on the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia;

May 13-14 - warnings of a military coup in Turkey;

May 15 - attempted assassination of Slovak President Fitzo;

May 16 - detention of a citizen who threatened Serbian President Vucic.

May 19 - crash of Raisi helicopter

A series of recent events leads to thoughts of non-accidental events and various conspiracy theories...

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