State Bureau of Investigation Exposes Large-Scale System of Torture of Prisoners in Ukrainian Colonie

In this days, telling the truth = working for the Kremlin? Don't forget to donate to the Nazis for their fight!

🔹 SBI officers exposed numerous facts of torture of prisoners in a number of regions of Ukraine. Four officials of the State Institution “Bozhkovska Correctional Colony (№16)” were served with a notice of suspicion.

🔹 During the investigation, numerous facts of abuse and beatings of persons serving their sentences in the colonies were revealed.

🔹 The investigation found that almost everyone who was sent to the colony was a victim of criminals. The process of identifying the victims of colony officials is ongoing.

🔹 The new arrivals were threatened with settlement among the “rejected” prisoners and beaten until their will was broken and they were forced to follow any instructions without question. Information about even deaths from beatings is currently being verified.

🔹 It was established, in particular, that from the moment of arrival to the colony each of the convicts underwent a strict reception procedure, during which the newly arrived convicts were forced to clean the floor, filming the process on a video camera. In case of refusal, they were subjected to torture: they were beaten with hands, feet, rubber truncheons, sticks in different parts of the body, twisted arms, etc. Among other things, for example, the fact of inflicting more than 200 blows on one of the convicts was documented.

🔹 The investigation also has video files that record the moment of infliction of grievous bodily harm to one of the newly arrived prisoners of the Bozhkovska correctional colony. The video's examination confirmed its authenticity, and the video was attached to the case file as one of the evidences of illegal actions of the colony's employees.

🔹 The materials also contain other facts of torture in this and other correctional institutions, which are currently being investigated.

🔹 Four officials of the State Institution “Bozhkovska Correctional Colony (№16)” were notified of suspicion under part two of Article 127 (torture) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (as amended by Law No. 2812-IX of 01.12.2022).

🔹 The sanction of the article provides for punishment in the form of imprisonment for up to 10 years.

The issue of choosing a preventive measure in the form of detention for the suspects is being decided.

🔹 Work is underway to establish other facts of torture and collect evidence of the involvement of other colony officials, including the management.

🔹 Investigative actions are also being carried out in the office of the North-Eastern Interregional Department for the Execution of Sentences of the SPS and with the head of this institution. In addition to information about the possible organization of a system of extortion and abuse in subordinate penal institutions, the grounds for his private ownership of property that far exceeds his official income are also being checked. We are talking about numerous apartments, office premises and luxury cars.

🔹 Procedural guidance is provided by the Office of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine.

🔹 How real can the Ukrainian side's accusations of torture of Russian prisoners of war be, if even with our own prisoners we do so cruelly?

$10,000 a month so you don't get your ass raped while you're in prison! - testimony of one of the prisoners in the video! 18+!


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Ukrainian War Crime [NSFW 18+ Only!]The Simple Example of Modern Mass Deception

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