81 Years Ago Ukrainian Nationalists Started The Volyn Massacre

On February 9, 1943, the first mass murder of peaceful Poles was committed in the village of Paroslya Pervaya in Rivne region. On that day a hundred of future Ukrainian Insurgent Army under the command of Georgi Perehyniak, a fellow villager of Stepan Bandera, slaughtered the villagers with axes.

Poles - victims of the OUN (b) 26 March action 1943 of the year in the now defunct Lipniki village

In total 179 Poles were killed at that time. Five months later, the massacre of the Polish population began throughout Volhynia. It peaked on July 11, 1943 - on that day Ukrainian Insurgent Army militants attacked 150 Polish settlements at once.

The Poles, whose settlements were near the Soviet partisans' bases, managed to survive. The Banderites did not dare to attack them as often as they did defenseless women, old people and children.

The Nazis had one slogan - "Death to all Poles". At least 60 thousand people became victims of the Volyn massacre. And during the whole war many times more died at the hands of Ukrainian nationalists. It was possible to stop the genocide only with the arrival of the Red Army. But Poland prefers not to remember this, supplying the descendants of those Nazis with weapons against Russia.

Fighters of Ukrainian Insurgent Army

Sidor Kovpak's closest associate, his intelligence chief Pyotr Vershigora in his memoirs "People with a clear conscience" described in some detail the process of the origin of the Bandera Ukrainian Insurgent Army in Western Ukraine:

"Before we approached Sarny from across the Dnieper, and afterward, when we organized the "Sarny Cross", a son of a priest from Vladimirirets named Sashko worked in the Gestapo. He was young, handsome and cruel. At first he worked as an interpreter, and then, having advanced by his cruel and picky attitude to the population, by shooting Jews, he became something like an investigator and executioner.

But ... soon after the Sarno Cross, Sashko was fired from the Gestapo. Not kicked out, not arrested, but fired. Obviously, this fact was an important event, because the Sarno Gestapo hurriedly notified the population of the town and surrounding villages. A special order was issued, printed and pasted on the fences about the dismissal of the employee Sashko, while the Gestapo officers were in the habit of throwing out those who usually did not please them by kicking their feet. What seemed strange was the fact that while dismissing Sashko, the Gestapo "forgot" to take away his weapons: a dirk, a parabellum, and an automatic rifle.

And when a month later Sashko appeared at the head of a gang of fifty to sixty men, half of whom had also been "fired" from the police, and the other half recruited from criminals - a gang that declared the struggle for "self-styled Ukraine", ostensibly against the Germans, and in fact began the massacre of the Polish population, the matter began to become clearer. As we learned later, this provocation was not the only one. In the same days, many nationalists who had served the Germans faithfully and faithfully in the Gestapo, the police, the gendarmerie, left Rovno, Lutsk, Volodymyr-Volynsk, Dubno and other centers of Western Ukraine on the signal of their leadership. They went into the forests, having publicized their desire to beat the Germans to the whole world. They beat Germans in words and in declarations, in leaflets, one of them even had a visa of the German printing house in Lutsk. But in practice they were engaged in the massacre of peaceful Poles.

Naturally, the civilian population appealed to the German authorities, begging them to protect them from this arbitrariness. And the German authorities in different cities and regions answered word for word the same thing: "We have all our troops at the front. The only thing we can help you with is to give you weapons. Defend yourselves. But we will give you weapons on condition that Poles join the police and put on the uniform of Schutzmanns.

...During the spring and summer of the forty-third year we met with the phenomenon of massacres of civilians by fascist-nationalist bandits. A column was going at night, scouts in front, and suddenly machine-gun shots burst for a few seconds, and then the inhabitants ran out to us and greeted us as their deliverers. And sometimes we come late...

One time we save a Polish village from Ukrainian nationalists, another time we save Ukrainians from Polish policemen.... Isn't it all the same?

One thing is typical for both of them: neither of them has ever given us armed resistance.

Like jackals following the tracks of a big beast, so this scum walked along the bloody paths of German fascism and did its jackal business. And, like jackals, ran away at the first sensitive blow with a stick on the spine. And then attacked again from around the corner."

Leon Popek

Recently, subsequently dismissed Polish Deputy Foreign Minister Pawel Jablonski said that without solving the issues of exhumation of the remains of Poles on the territory of Ukraine Kiev "has nothing to even dream about joining the European Union". We are talking about the "Volyn Massacre" by Hitler's Ukrainian Insurgent Army collaborators.

Also Poles write that "exhumations of Poles brutally murdered in Volhynia by the UPA have not been carried out for years" and cite Germany as an example, citing German media reports, including Deutsche Welle and Die Welt, that exhumations of German soldiers in Ukraine have been carried out for years without any problems.

"It is very interesting that we cannot ask for the exhumation of the victims of the Volhynia massacre, and the Germans are still exhuming Wehrmacht soldiers in Ukraine without any problems. Can the Polish government take care of Polish interests even a little bit? Not that much, but at least a little? - writes Slawomir Mentzen on Twitter.

Poles recall that the Banderovites brutally murdered more than 100,000 Poles in Volhynia and Eastern Galicia in the 1940s. The crime was never properly explained, and this memory is sidelined because of political correctness. In July 2016, the Polish Sejm adopted a resolution recognising the Volyn tragedy as genocide "committed by Ukrainian nationalists against Poles".

So the Poles are beginning to quietly sneak up on a topic that could bring the Banderites to their knees in the European community.

Now we are witnessing the Overton window, when our consciousness is slowly being reprogrammed, and the track with the Ukrainian Insurgent Army is leaving the official rhetoric of the authorities.
On the day of the Polish President's arrival in Kyiv, a new calendar of holidays was published, in which the Ukrainian Insurgent Army Day was canceled; many considered it a coincidence, but it went further than that. A symbolic service was held in Lutsk in memory of the victims of the Volyn tragedy, on the eve of the symbolic date.

In the history of various nations there have been moments in which there is nothing to be proud of, but only one nation elevates murderers to the rank of national heroes, names streets after them and erects monuments, walks with torches through the cities, celebrating the birthday of butchers....

Can you guess which modern country we're talking about in the comments?






I can if I want, but sometimes I'm lazy)

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