"This post was intended for Deep Dives. Check it out and the others in the series!"

Countdown To Tyranny: COVID-19 and the NWO

It was during the 1990s that the sellout escalated. Bill “Everything is For Sale” Clinton was president and China gained MFN (Most favored nation) status worldwide. Clinton’s China-tied corruption during his 1996 reelection campaign is well documented. So too is the sale of missile technology to China during the “Loral scandal.”

By Richard J. Quitliano
Editorialist & NewsHawk

WASHINGTON, DC (@ZENINEWS_ — Once you step back, take a deep breath, and look at what’s going on in its entire context — after carefully subtracting the political theater, distractions, diversions, etc. — it becomes painfully obvious that the COVID-19 “pandemic” and the overreaction to it was pre-planned a long time ago, perhaps for decades. To explain this a bit of history and a timeline are in order. But first…

Political Theater

Russian collusion, the impeachment hoax, the Flynn prosecution were all political theater staged to divert our attention away from what’s going on behind the scenes. That doesn’t make them any less real and/or threatening, they’re just not the “big story.” Had Hillary been elected instead of Trump, the contagion would still have been released. This is the globalists’ final salvo, the big false flag designed to impose the dreaded New World Order, the dystopian totalitarian nightmare envisioned by George Orwell. It will be done “for our own good,” an order described by this author as Therapeutic Fascism over 25 years ago. The virus, or the overreaction to it, is just the tool.

This has all been done incrementally, in steps, what David Icke describes as the “totalitarian tip-toe.” While the mainstream media kept us busy with the latest news from Hollywood, the official narrative, and professional sports, the downfall of America and nationalism around the world have been plotted from behind the scenes. 9/11, the war in Iraq, followed by the Patriot Act, the NDAA, and the repeal of Smith-Mundt (that disallowed the government’s use of propaganda) were all imposed while nobody was paying attention. Unfortunately, Joe Biden’s quip that “Americans don’t care about their constitutional rights,” proved true — until it was too late. A few of us were paying attention, but lamentably, far too few.

Now the globalists believe themselves ready for their fait accompli, and China plays a pivotal role. While the political class struggles with the origins of the virus, ultimately it’s irrelevant — it’s here and it’s being used to usurp the rest of our liberties. The globalists, Democrat governors, and their police departments are confident that the time is right to impose their order, based in large part to our acquiescence after 9/11. America sat silent while the Patriot Act, and later the NDAA, was imposed.

The tech and social media giants have played an instrumental role as well, first in collecting all of our data that we willingly handed over to have access to their platforms, and now in censoring anyone that questions the official (WHO/globalist)l narrative. They will also be a big part of the contact tracking, using technology and our data against us as a technocratic order resembling the social credit system of China is forced on all of us… once again, keeping us “safe” from a virus with a 99% recovery rate will be the excuse.

Timeline to Disaster

It’s difficult to pinpoint exactly when this began. For our purposes, being that the virus is the tool and China the point of origin, our relationship with China is a good starting point.


Senator Dianne Feinstein talks about the relationship between San Francisco and California have with China, one she describes as a “partnership.” (likely the beginning of the Democrat sellout to the CCP)

“As detailed in an earlier Federalist exposé spurred by revelations that Feinstein had employed a staffer for nearly two decades who was spying for the Chinese government, arguably no politician in American history has maintained a deeper, more long-standing, and friendlier relationship at the highest levels of the CCP than Feinstein. This dates back to at least the normalization of U.S.-China relations in 1979, when shortly thereafter, as mayor of San Francisco, Feinstein established a “sister city” relationship with Shanghai and Mayor Jiang Zemin.”

“In the 1990s as a U.S. senator, Feinstein advocated for increasing trade with China, while de-linking its most-favored-nation (MFN) trading status from concerns over rampant human rights violations, and making it permanent. Notably, in the 1993-1994 period, while Feinstein was advocating for increasing trade and participating in extensive meetings with Chinese leaders in Beijing at then-President Jiang’s invitation with her husband in tow, Blum was seeking to raise up to $150 million for an Asia-focused fund for his firm, Newbridge Capital.”1

China had plenty of money to invest in corrupt politicians and businessmen looking to get rich, people that had no qualms in selling their country down the river to achieve the globalist agenda.


It was during the 1990s that the sellout escalated. Bill “Everything is For Sale” Clinton was president and China gained MFN (Most favored nation) status worldwide. Clinton’s China-tied corruption during his 1996 reelection campaign is well documented. So too is the sale of missile technology to China during the “Loral scandal.”

“According to a Wall Street Journal account from Clinton days, a bipartisan congressional inquiry ‘found Beijing has stolen U.S. design data for nearly all elements needed for a major nuclear attack on the U.S., such as advanced warheads, missiles, and guidance systems. Targets of the spying ranged from an Army anti-tank weapon to nearly all modern fighter jets. Most weren’t done by professionals, but by visitors or front companies. Lax security by the Clinton Administration is blamed in part, and satellite makers Hughes and Loral are criticized.’”2

Somewhat less known is the Clinton administration’s selling access to our nation’s most secretive labs such as Los Alamos and Ft. Detrick where Chinese “scientists” have been infiltrating ever since. Clinton gave the Chinese total access to our nuclear program, and perhaps more dangerous, Ft. Detrick, the bioweapons lab where anthrax, ebola, hantavirus, and other “unspecified” pathogens came up missing, as covered in previous articles. It should also be noted that Ft. Detrick is where the HIV virus was created — proteins of which have turned up in CV-19. It was also during this time period that USAMRIID, the US Army’s medical research unit, set up shop in Wuhan.

Is it starting to come together yet?


Before going into the health aspects of this, the Chinese use of technology to surveil and infiltrate must be addressed, something they and the globalist cabal have been working on for years. Most will remember the fallout from Huawei.

“Integration of Huawei technology in forthcoming 5G networks will enable China to deploy ubiquitous surveillance and control over America and the broader West, warned Gordon Chang, Daily Beast columnist and author of The Coming Collapse of China, in a Monday interview on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily with host Alex Marlow.”

“‘In London and in many other capitals, China has bought the elites,’ said Chang, referring to some Western political elites’ inexplicable decisions to include Huawei [technologies] in telecommunications infrastructure development, adding, ‘[Huawei] is used by Beijing to spy.” [Emphasis Mine]’”3

The importance of technology cannot be understated in the upcoming surveillance police state.


It was during the early part of the 2000s that SARS (SARS-CoV-1) began to emerge in the Guangdong province of China. Similarly, MERS, an almost identical virus sprang up in the Middle East, also likely has its origins in China. These aren’t the first influenza-like diseases to have Chinese origins. The Hong Kong Flu of 1968, the 1976 H1N1 Swine Flu (that recurred in 2009-2010), the Avian Flu, all had Chinese origins. Either China is a breeding ground for influenza-like diseases, or something fishy is going on.

As we covered in detail in Influenza: Biological Warfare in the 21st Century, all influenza outbreaks are a product of the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic, caused by the Rockefeller Foundation’s typhus vaccine where swine viruses were injected into chicken albumin, used as a host for the virus. From there they have been manipulated and weaponized. As Dr. DePena confirmed, viruses do not “mutate” on their own.

2014, Dr. Fauci and Wuhan

By now everyone knows about Dr. Fauci at the behest of the Obama administration donated $3.7 million taxpayer dollars to the Level 4 Wuhan lab where the virus was released (accidentally or otherwise). But there’s a bigger story here, one that involves the WHO, The Gates Foundation and others, including George Soros.

“In 2006 there was an H5N1 outbreak in Asia and by June, human to human transmission was confirmed but no one in the US was infected at that time. In response, the New York Department of Health concocted a response to this “pandemic.” In a complete 180 from what is being done today, Dr. Anthony Fauci who has served as the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) since 1984, and New York City Mayor Bloomberg, recommended against a mandatory quarantine.”

“Soon after, in 2007, Dr. Fauci personally licensed and saw to the performance of clinical trials to create a vaccine for the H5N1 pandemic that was previously declared by Fauci. The company that Fauci worked with to create and stockpile a vaccine for the avian flu was Sanofi Pasteur.”4

Fast-forwarding to 2020:

“…as America was preparing for the China coronavirus, the HHS engaged Sanofi Pasteur to help develop a coronavirus vaccine. At the same time and through April, Dr. Fauci was arguing against the use of hydroxychloroquine as a cure for the China coronavirus.”

“Sanofi Pasteur is related to one of the very first western labs located in the Republic of China. One of its investors is George Soros.

“Soros also invests in a company in Wuhan, China, where the Coronavirus outbreak began. That company is called Wuxi AppTech, which just so happens, they develop vaccines too. This company is also related to the former Head of the China Communist Party, Jiang Zemin.”

“The Gates Foundation, the foundation created by American billionaire Bill Gates, hired Sanofi Pasteur to explore the technical and regulatory feasibility of Micropellet technology for the development of cost-effective novel combination vaccines that are thermal stable. The Foundation also worked with Sanofi on a polio vaccine. Then in March 2020, Sanofi announced that the Gates Foundation was working again with them, this time on the coronavirus”5

This is to guarantee that any vaccine that is developed will have Gates’ nanotechnology embedded, as we’ve discussed in previous articles. This is about power and control, not curing a disease.

The Real Numbers

The real numbers show that all the draconian measures being taken are not supported by facts. This is probably the biggest indicator of what’s really going on behind the outbreak. The booming US economy has been shattered, and this is about a whole lot more than “Orangeman bad.” In the US, as reported before, there have been 11,356 deaths from CV-19 and for that we’re all under lockdown, businesses have been shuttered, tens of millions are unemployed and the MSM, along with Democrats, are still pounding the fear drums.

One politician in Italy has recently called the globalists out.

“The member of the Forza Italia party slammed the closure of 60% of Italian businesses for 25,000 Chinese-Coronavirus deaths from the floor of the legislature. ‘It’s not true,’ he said. ‘Don’t use the deaths for rhetoric and terrorism.’ According to the National Institute of Health, 96.3% did not die of coronavirus, but of other pathologies stated Sgarbi – which means that only 925 have died from the virus and 24,075 have died of other things claimed Sgarbi, ‘….the virus was little more than influenza. Don’t lie! Tell the truth!’”6

Little by little the truth is coming out, and as it does the measures taken by governments are becoming more and more draconian.

“Chief Executive Of Royal College Of Nursing On Live TV: ‘We Know That We Haven’t Infected Enough Of The Population With This Virus’”

“Even more disturbing than her claim that they know they’ve not infected enough fo the population with the virus is the follow-up to it, in which she says, ‘For any lifting of any lockdown to be successful, we need not only to be able to test healthcare workers but also to track and trace patients and people.’”7

And that’s what this is all about, “testing and tracking,” the imposition of a global police state… that’s what it has always been about.

Contact Tracing: Isolation, Interrogation, and “Quarantine.”

This is something Zenith News has covered in some detail already in theory — the proposal by Bill Clinton and his foundation join with state governments around the country to round up “those infected,” for their own good of course, along with anyone they’ve come in contact with, interrogate them, and put them in quarantine. We also discussed how this will likely be used for political purposes to silence dissent and isolate the “non-compliant.” Once again, this is not about health safety, but imposing an authoritarian order.

Think about it; there have only been 11,356 deaths — not even close to flu deaths for the same time period. The recovery rate is over 99%… this hardly requires isolation, interrogation, and quarantine. But California, always on the cutting edge, has already gone ahead with “the plan.”

“Ventura County officials in California announced plans to remove infected residents with the Wuhan virus from their homes and place them in quarantine centers.”

“Robert Levin: Some of the people we find are going to have a hard time being isolated. If they live in a home where there is only one bathroom and there are three or four other people living there and those people don’t have COVID infections we’re not going to be able to keep that person in that home. Every person who we’re isolating needs to have their own bathroom. So we’ll be moving people like this into other kinds of housing that we have available.”8

So they’re going to remove people from their homes over concerns that they don’t have enough bathrooms? This is idiotic on the very face of it — do they seriously think anyone is dumb enough to believe it? Moreover, they’re only going to remove infected people and those they’ve come in contact with… wouldn’t that be the entire household? Here’s more from Dr. Levin: “We also realize that as we find more contacts, some of the people we find are going to have trouble being isolated,” said Levin.

“For instance, if they live in a home where there is only one bathroom and there are three or four other people living there, and those people don’t have COVID infection, we’re not going to be able to keep the person in that home.”9

In the video below, watch the good doctor tell more about Ventura County’s plan — a plan that will undoubtedly be adopted nationwide. It’s chilling, and foretells of a medical tyranny that’s truly unbelievable:

This plan, from a purely medical standpoint, is laughable — but this is about tyranny, not medicine… it never has been from the outset. This is the plan for global domination, hopefully, the timeline has helped make that evident.

America and the world are in grave danger of losing what few rights and liberties we have left. This is the globalists’ big chance, their final salvo, and China and the Democrats are leading the way. They’ve been puppets for the globalists all along, at least since the Clinton administration. Hillary’s unsecure server was no mistake, she willingly sold access to China and anyone else willing to pay her price. The Clintons have been at the forefront of the globalist cabals’ plan to destroy America, the last bastion of freedom — the “beacon to the world.” They, along with Nancy Pelosi and her gang, Adam Schiff, Nadler, Mark Warner, Ted Lieu, and the rest are traitors, they’ve sold America to China, a sworn enemy since the Korean War.

If we don’t all stand up and stop this now America will be lost forever.

Countdown To Tyranny: COVID-19 and the NWO

This is a cross post of @richq11/countdown-to-tyranny-covid-19-and-the-nwo by @v4vapid.

This post was intended for Deep Dives. Check it out and the others in the series!

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