Canada's Epstein, Peter Nygaard, Faces 17 New Charges of Rape from Former Models

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Peter Nygaard Faces Fresh Allegations of Rape

New charges of rape, sexual assault and kidnapping have been filed against Canadian fashion tycoon Peter Nygaard. The CBC News is reporting that 17 accusers are joining the class action lawsuit against Nygaard brining the total number of allegations to 36.

The fresh charges were filed as a slew of former Canadian models joined the ongoing class-action lawsuit filed in New York's Southern District by young female victims from the Bahamas. Nygaard owns what is described as beach front luxury home at Nassau in the Bahamas.

Many of Nygaard's accusers in the Bahamas are underaged girls who attended wild parties at his private beach side residence. It is alleged that Nygaard enticed the young women with promises of modelling careers and with opportunities of international travel.

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Amended Complaint 4.20.20   FINAL  00529548.DOCX 1    2020 04 20 Amended NY Class Action.pdf.png

Court Filings (2020)

Underaged Victims

According to the CBC report, nine of the alleged sexual assaults took place on Canadian soil. Three of Nygaard's accusers say they were 16 when the rapes occurred and at least one of the victims claims she was 14 years old when she was sexually abused.

Among the new allegations from the Canadian women includes an accuser known as Jane Doe No.15. She asserts that she was flown to Winnipeg to work as a model for Nygaard. In the lawsuit, she claims she was 'repeatedly raped' and held 'captive' by Nygaard. The assault lasted for several days before she was able to escape.

"After three days, Jane Doe No. 15 was able to escape," the complaint says. "She was told by Nygard's nephew not to report Nygard's crimes to the Winnipeg police because Nygard 'owns them.'"

Another female victim said she was sexually assaulted by Nygaard when she was just 16 years old when she attended a party at Nygaard's Toronto office in Canada.

Dozens more accounts of Nygaard's predatory nature and sexual assaults against young women are detailed in the complaint. One girl said she was raped in the bathroom of a Winnipeg restaurant by Nygaard. Another girl alleges that after accepting a ride home to her dormitory from the airport with Nygaard, she was raped at his Montreal residence when she was 19 years old.


Vanity Fair

Co-Conspirators Accused of Enabling Rape

As stated in the court filings, Nygaards inner-circle facilitated the businessman's dark improprieties.

The complaint also names several Canadian Nygard executives, claiming they "conspired," "concealed" and "enabled" their boss's alleged criminal behaviour.

In an all too familiar scenario, the lawsuit alleges that executives and members of Nygaards family actively participated in covering-up Peter Nygaard's criminal behavior using a combination of intimidation, coercion, and payoffs.

In a statement by one of the lawyers representing the group of Canadian women, Lisa Haba noted:

"We have corroborating evidence that each one of [the named senior employees] definitely knew what was going on and in some capacity enabled him to continue"
"The Nygard Companies, through Nygard and a close ring of upper-level executives and employees, knowingly and continuously conspired with Nygard to enable, act as a front, and conceal Nygard's criminal activity."


Individuals closely associated to Nygaard also helped to groom potential victims. Nygaard's pattern of behaviour parallels other cases of child sex abuse by powerful and wealthy men.

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Canada's Epstein

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Comparisons to Jeffrey Epstein are unavoidable as Nygaard's pattern of behavior closely mimics those of Epstein and his co-conspirators who have avoided justice thus far. At the surface level alone, there are striking similarities to the Epstein case.

  • Targeting of young and underaged models
  • Own/Finance fashion/modelling agencies
  • Lured victims with promises of modelling career opportunities
  • Trafficked women on private jet
  • Private island / Private estate in the Caribbean
  • Confiscation of passports
  • Imprisonment and isolation
  • Co-conspirators recruited young women
  • Co-conspirators facilitating sexual assaults and cover-up
  • Use of threats and intimidation
  • Use of bribes, payoffs and NDAs in exchange for silence


Corey's Digs

"Nygard used his considerable influence in the fashion industry, his wealth, his power through corruption of officials, and a network of company employees under his direction, to kidnap, groom and entice children and women," the complaint says.


Furthermore, this pattern is not unique to Nygaard nor Epstein, there are many more examples of this exact Modus Operandi exhibited by the rich and powerful.

For instance, David Copperfield, who also appears in Epstein's Black Book, is another billionaire who has been accused of raping young models on his private island in the Caribbean. Copperfield was also accused of imprisoning his alleged victims and of confiscating their passports.

Illusionist David Copperfield's Private Fantasy Island Musha Cay

A glaring similarity between Nygaard and Epstein is that the two men have close relationships with Prince Andrew, also accused of rape by Virginia Guiffre, Bill Gates, and also Richard Branson who has been connected to many of Epstein's close associates. Incidentally, Branson also owns a secluded island in the Caribbean - Necker Island. Necker Island has hosted parties by the NVIXM Hollywood sex cult.

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Nygaard Pleads Innocent, Claims Conspiracy at Work

Communicating through his legal representatives, Peter Nygaard maintains that he's innocent and that the allegations against him stem from on ongoing dispute spearheaded by another billionaire, New York Hedge fund manager Louis Bacon.

For years, Nygaard and Bacon have been entangled in on ongoing neighbour feud at the southern tip of Nassau island in the Bahamas. The area is called Lyford Cay and is by all accounts a wealthy gated-community.

In 1982, Nygaard purchased the sprawling beachfront property at Simms Point eventually renaming it Nygaard Cay. Nygaard is somewhat of a celebrity in the Bahamas with his flamboyant appearance and jet-setting lifestyle. Some have even referred to Nygaard as the Bahamian Hugh Hefner.

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The decades long dispute supposedly stems from the billionaire neighbours sharing an access road that cuts through Bacon's property which leads to Nygaard Cay where the fashion tycoon regularly hosted topless parties with harems of young models lasting into the deep of night. He also used to host what he called Sunday "pamper parties" where, according to Nygaard, all of his guests would receive free spa treatments. Allegations made against Nygaard earlier this year describe the "pamper parties" as events where underaged girls are fed a mixture of alcohol and drugs.

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Nygaard maintains that Bacon coveted his property and his desire to purchase the land is underlying source of the never ending legal battle that developed between the two. Over the years the dispute escalated into numerous legal actions hurled from each side on a wide range of issues.

A Vanity Fair article describes the magnification of the feud in no uncertain terms.

...what began in 2007 with a bit of irritation over runoff has escalated to a battle royal encompassing no fewer than 16 legal actions between Nygard and Bacon and their associates, in which both sides are claiming damages in the tens of millions of dollars and lobbing allegations of activities that include vandalism, bribery, insider trading, arson, murder, destruction of the fragile seabed, and having a close association with the Ku Klux Klan.

Vanity Fair

Furthermore, in 2015 Bacon launched a $100 million dollar defamation suit against Nygaard. Nygaard responded that he was not concerned about the lawsuit as the highest defamation suit settle in New York was $1 million dollars.

Later, Nygaard responded with legal action of his own in 2019 from New York where both Bacon and Nygaard have their company headquarters.

It alleges Bacon has hired a team of lawyers and private investigators who are "engaging in a pattern of illicit and illegal conduct designed to improperly influence witnesses to make false statements, file false reports, abuse process, tortiously interfere with business relations and aid and abet the dissemination of false statements … all for the intentional purpose of damaging [Nygard]."


At the time, this would have been considered the height of the dispute but it would all be overshadowed by the lawsuits launched in February 2020.

Original Class Action Lawsuit

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The Daily Mail

In mid-February 2020, a class-action lawsuit was launched by 10 females Bahamian victims alleging that Nygaard raped them on his property from the period between 2008-2015.

Three of the women were 14 years old at the time of the alleged rapes. Three others were 15.


The February article by the CBC details the lawsuit against Nygaard and the multiple rape and molestation allegations levelled against him.

Of notable interest, one of Nygaard's accusers recounts how Nygaard engaged in ceaseless harassment campaign against the young woman in multiple cities during their acquaintance. She states that Nygaard insisted that she recruit more young girls for his private parties.

The lawsuit alleges the woman was ordered to invite women to attend parties at Nygard's home in California, and that he would then choose a few of them to "to stay the night with him."

"Defendant Nygard paid these women for their 'services,' " the lawsuit claims.

"Plaintiff objected to being forced to be involved in procuring women for Defendant Nygard. She told him that she was not a madam and that she did not want to be involved in these activities."

Here, of course, we find the exact same M.O. as employed by Epstein and his co-conspirator Ghislaine Maxwell. It's been well documented that both Epstein and Maxwell encouraged and demanded that the abused girls seek out additional victims for the duo to prey on.


Of course, through his lawyers Nygaard 'vehemently' denies the allegations contained in the lawsuit and continues to maintain that his rival Louis Bacon is behind a conspiracy to take him down.

On February 25 2020, the FBI raided the New York Times Square offices of Nygaard International in direct relation to allegations of sex-trafficking.

US Law enforcement officers are investigating the claims against Nygaard and his infamous "pamper parties" where underaged girls were alleged to have been induced with drugs and alcohol and sexually assaulted.

Just days before the FBI raided his offices, Nygaard announced he was "stepping down from Nygard International and will divest his ownership interest" in the company.

NY Post

Although, there's substantial amount of evidence stacked against Nygaard, it also does appear that both Nygaard and Bacon may have been paying for witnesses and favorable testimony from local Bahamian girls.

Nevertheless, the addition of 17 new accusers with correspondingly graphic accounts of Nygaards abuses in Canada lends even greater weight to the original claims made by the women in the Bahamas.

No word on any arrests relating to Nygaard or Nygaard International executives have been disclose as of yet.




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