FOIs Reveal that Health/Science Institutions around the World (164 and Counting!) Have No Record of SARS-COV-2 Isolation/Purification, Anywhere, Ever


Warm greetings all. 🙏 💚

There are multiple very significant data points that call into question the existence and validity of the 'virus' itself, as well as the means of detecting it. The PCR test for example, the inventor of which, Kary Mullis, has stated categorically, before he conveniently died in 2019, that his test cannot and should not be used to diagnose any illness. Another extremely significant point is the apparent fact that the supposed 'virus' has not, in actuality, ever been isolated in a purified sample. This data point pops up a lot, and does indeed seem to have some meat to it. There is also data suggesting that the 'genetic code' of the 'virus' was, in fact, computer-generated, and not natural at all.

This website has a massive amount of information on Freedom of Information (FOI) requests and the responses from a great many health and science institutions on the lack of any true isolation or purification of the supposed 'virus'. If there were ever a deep dive, this is a pretty big one.

So, let's get to some basics. If the 'virus' has never been actually isolated in a purified sample, and if the PCR test cannot be used to diagnose if someone has it, we seem to have a few notable problems regarding the validity of the echo-chamber narrative that we keep hearing. There are too many thing of this nature that don't add up regarding this 'virus', the 'pandemic' (plan-/scamdemic), the global hyper-tyrannical 'response', and of course, the 'vaccines', to not to do a hard stop and question everything around this subject far more thoroughly, for ourselves and for those we love. 🙏💚

FOIs reveal that health/science institutions around the world (164 and counting!) have no record of SARS-COV-2 isolation/purification, anywhere, ever

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