The Power Of Silence, Leading Us To The Truth!

It is, within the silence, that we can find the truth.

When we are born, we spend the first year of our lives observing. Taking everything in, so that we have a good understanding of the world around us and how to interact with it. In those first years we learn so much, because we are so eager to understand, to be part of the world we are born into. Our silence, only enhances our skills of observation.


And then we learn to talk and that becomes our main source of communication with the world. The one we rely on the most, as well as the one that is the most deceiving. Language can be so distracting. It is wonderful in helping us communicate with other people, but it mostly keeps us in our heads and away from our inner knowing.

So often we get caught up in conversations, caught up in the need to prove a point. Not even listening to what the other person has to say, because we already have a response, the moment they begin to speak it is already formed within our heads. Our ego takes over, as we believe we know best.

And with it, we miss out on the opportunity to learn.

Truth, is usually somewhere in the middle, that is why it is so important to be able to listen. To listen to others and also, to listen to ourselves. Our minds can be very quick, to draw conclusions. When really we should take the time to process and evaluate. These are principles that are important in Non Violent Communication, yet they are very hard to put in practice, as we have been taught to respond rapidly to any questions that are asked of us. To think on our feet as they say.

But words can be very limiting and we so often get lost in them, even forgetting the whole reason for our interaction. We have become far too dependant on this way of communication, it has shut us off from one of our greatest strengthens.

The ability to see and to feel the truth!

For me to believe something, I need to feel it, it has to feel right to me, to resonate with me. It's my gut instinct, that really convinces me, whether the truth is being told or not.

So much of what we have been taught in school, is a twisted version of the truth. A truth that we are taught not to question. We are told, that we need to be able to back up our opinions, by the opinions of others. Others that have been approved by the educational board, so no wonder, so many are comfortable with settling, with what they have been told to believe.

I am tempted to say, that it is all that we know. But that is untrue. We are born to be natural observers, to rely on our natural instinct to show us the way, to tell us of any dangers that may lie ahead. To lead us to the truth. But so many of us, lose these qualities as we enter into the system.

As we enter into lives, where we are surrounded by noise, by propaganda, never giving us a moment to think for ourselves. Taking away the silence we so desperately need, in order to fully comprehend what is happening.

I have had many a conversation with people, who do not want to believe that we have been so manipulated. That our educational systems and health systems, have been engineered in such a way, that they disempower and enslave us.

It's easier to just get swept up in the noise, to follow along with what is being presented. The silence, can be a hard place to be, because it makes us face who we are and the world that we live in, but that silence, also helps us to be free!

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