Explain This?

Some people don't even know this yet. It's no wonder: the media is hardly if ever talking about it. Take a look for yourself. The data is provided by the new UK medical security agency:


That's the numbe of alleged "cases" of CV19. What it shows is that:

  1. the jab doesn't protect you from getting "infected"

Note the 4th column: "Not vaccinated", and 7th column of double jabbed.

See the difference?

Yes, that's right, a lot more "infections" with the jab than without. But you still have peopel who believe this isn't possible. That it's "effective". Keep believing the dream. They don't even know what the "effective" means. It only reduces mild symptoms, making you a real asymptomatic carrier who would be sick and know it otherwise.

Here'a nother for emergency care (alleged):


And the "death" table:


I don't trust the numebrs either way, since the whole inflated death counts thing is still happening. Gun shot wound covid-19 death and other nonsense.

Somebody has some explaining to do, as the narrative doesn't add up.

3 columns
2 columns
1 column
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