Drink water, but only after your kidneys have shut down

Much of the population has unknowingly adopted the above method.

It is the norm to drink when you are thirsty rather than waiting until dehydration has ruined your kidneys and you are near death from dehydration.

It is also the norm to go to the doctor and get a prescription for HCQS before flying to a country that has known cases of Malaria and for the last half a century people have done this in order to avoid getting Malaria.

It is also the norm, in opposite world, to prohibit access to HCQS until you are hospitalized with Covid19 rather than completely avoiding the disease by taking it right away in a country with known Covid19 infections. (See thirst example.)


I saw a clip of Dr. Malone, the inventor of the vaccine that everyone is taking as a fashion statement. He brought this up along with many case studies proving it is a preventative rather than a last resort. And, as I mentioned in my last post, there are many families that are having to force doctors to do the right thing by going to court and proving that the doctor is an idiot! Some cases involved Ivermectin as well.

There are sure tell-tale signs that none of this is about "keeping us safe" but quite the opposite. Combat against Americans.

All of what I am saying is true world-wide but America is the head of the snake.

Enemy Combatants

The constitution defines what America is and what it is not. It states what rights we have and where they come from. Anyone who chooses to do combat with that document and the rights of the people covered insured by its text are enemies.


What is more, those who join forces, aid, assist, an enemy in war time can be charged and tried by the military.

Let's say we have a resident or congress-person who joins forces with an adversary at a time of declared war. That citizen, any citizen not just a government official, can be charged, tried, and put in a military prison for their crime.

Let's go Brandon - pack your bags.

Thinking has become a rare event that is almost extinct

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