A way to weigh whether you are on the right side of history

There are two ways to run a people.

  1. Unite and sterilize
  2. Divide and rule

The "unite and sterilize" method is used by the Marxist based governors.

The "divide and rule" method is used by the nationalist based rulers.

We need to recognize each one for what they are. No matter which one is pushed on you the ultimate goal is to govern you, in other words to rule over you and every one around you.

Emotions, intellect, values, culture, gender, heritage etc. of people are under attack in both systems.
When ever you find your self arguing on one side or the other on any of these topics you will be on the side of some ruler, and inevitable anti human.

We have a hard time recognizing these situations.

However understanding the matrix we live in is very consequential not only for our own life but for humanity as a whole.

Here are some examples which may not be readily apparent:

Religious people become pro this or anti that rather then concentrating on the main attack which is religious liberty / freedom of religion.

Even anarchist of different fractions become anti each other based on details, rather then uniting under the main principle, which in the case of anarchist is anti government.

The natural evolution for humans is to fall out of these governing dogmas.
Either by means of forgetting, or by questioning and eventually evolving to the one natural law of freedom.
Religious leaders have recognized long ago that just convincing once is not enough, you have to indoctrinate on a regular basis to keep your following.

Fear; the most basic human instinct, as well as the most powerful human emotion.
The more out of balance the human consciousness is, the easier it is motivated by fear.
Fear is the emotion easiest used to drive humans to act irrationally.
All types of rulers feed on human fear. They exacerbate every situation to through people's consciousness out of balance, to direct their thoughts toward some possible danger, and they keep this attack up until they can get their peasants to agree on just about anything, even war.

Therefore we have to weigh each time we argue for or against something whether we are arguing out of fear or for the most basic right of life.
Weighing up of whether your argument is on the right side of life is as easy as ask the question. Will this allow people the choice of shaping their own destiny, or are they being directed.

We must allow people to make their own mistakes. Because even to adopt the principle of learning from others mistake must be learned, how to stand on giants solders, must be learned.
There is a fine line between teaching and manipulating. Teaching must permit questioning, and must be a deep dive, otherwise you are indoctrinating not teaching.

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