What’s In a Vaccine: The UPMC & Anthrax-based Coronavirus Vaccines



Researchers at a BSL-3 lab tied to the organizers of the 2001 Dark Winter simulation, DARPA, and the post-9/11 biodefense industrial complex are genetically modifying anthrax to express Covid-19 components, according to FOIA documents.

Before looking into the vaccines, it’s important to first look at the UPMC (University of Pittsburgh Medical Center) and it’s leadership. UPMC is no ordinary university research facility or teaching hospital, but a conglomerate that has expanded into its own healthcare facility that includes its own insurance company. It also has links to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the NIH.

According to the UPMC website: “Scientists at UPMC and the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine have announced a potential vaccine against SARS-CoV-2, the new coronavirus causing the COVID-19 pandemic.”

“When tested in mice, the vaccine produces antibodies specific to SARS-CoV-2 at quantities thought to be enough to neutralize the virus.”


The problem with this statement is that the SARS-CoV-2 virus has never been isolated, so “antibodies specific” to the disease are impossible. There isn’t even an accurate test for SARS-CoV-2 because viruses cannot be isolated from their hosts. Unlike bacteria, which can be grown in a pure culture, viruses depend upon a host to stay alive. Koch’s Postulates states that a pathogen must be isolated in order to be tested for. It must also be alive which poses a problem with viruses which die once they are removed from their host.

Because the SARS-CoV-2 virus can’t be isolated there is no accurate test for it. The current test being used tests for antibodies that could be from any of the Coronavirus family including the common cold or any other infection for that matter which explains the inaccuracies of up to 90%. Not only would a vaccine such as a flu shot test positive, so too would antibodies released by the human immune system.

Moreover, because a virus cannot be isolated a viable vaccine is impossible to make. This proves that there is no genuine attempt to cure or even treat SARS-CoV-2, exposing the real motive -- money and the introduction of nanotechnologies (tracing and digital IDs) and/or other pathogens into the human body.

There are several peculiarities about UPMC and SARS-CoV-2 vaccine research. Among them:

“In January 2020, when much of the world remained blissfully unaware of the coming global pandemic, UPMC was already at work developing a vaccine to protect against the novel coronavirus that causes Covid-19, known as SARS-CoV-2. That month, before the state of Pennsylvania had a single case of Covid-19, UPMC formed a “coronavirus task force,” which was initially focused on lobbying the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to obtain samples of live SARS-CoV-2 for research purposes. That research was to be conducted at the Biosafety Level 3 (BSL-3) Regional Biocontainment Laboratory (RBL) housed within UPMC’s Center for Vaccine Research. A day after the director of UPMC’s Center for Vaccine Research, W. Paul Duprex, revealed UPMC’s efforts to access the SARS-CoV-2 virus, he announced that the virus samples, containing an estimated 50 to 60 million coronavirus particles, were already en route to the university. At the time, UPMC was one of only a handful of institutions on the CDC’s short list to receive live SARS-CoV-2 samples.”

“UPMC later stated that they began work on a vaccine for Covid-19 on January 21st, weeks before the February 14th announcement that the virus was on its way to the university. That original vaccine candidate used the published genetic sequence of SARS-CoV-2, released in early January 2020 by Chinese researchers, to synthetically produce SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins that would be transported into cells by an adenoviral vector, which is commonly used in a variety of vaccines. The vaccine candidate was nicknamed PittCoVacc, short for Pittsburgh Coronavirus Vaccine.”


The January 21 date is confirmed by an article in Medical Daily that says that UPMC was working on a vaccine nearly a month before the pandemic was announced. “The wait for a potential vaccine for the coronavirus could be near. Researchers and scientists from the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center have reportedly developed a vaccine against COVID-19, something that started back in Jan. 21, 2020.”


Another peculiarity surrounds the May 4th death of Dr. Bing Lu, a researcher on the Coronavirus team at UPMC, ruled by police as a “murder-suicide” that is “unrelated” to his research project.

A medical researcher in Pittsburgh was "on the verge of making very significant findings" about the coronavirus before he was shot and killed Saturday, officials said.

"Bing was on the verge of making very significant findings toward understanding the cellular mechanisms that underlie SARS-CoV-2 infection and the cellular basis of the following complications," officials with the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine said in a statement. "We will make an effort to complete what he started in an effort to pay homage to his scientific excellence."


The story proffered by police is that of a homosexual love affair gone bad. There’s something just a bit too convenient about the police’s story, particularly in light of the fact that homosexual men have the lowest per-capita incidences of domestic violence, let alone murder-suicides.

The Anthrax Vector

As discussed before, viruses cannot survive without a host. Similarly, the dead viruses that are used in vaccines would have no effect on the human immune system without being attached to an attenuated pathogen. If a vaccine made only of dead virus cells is injected into someone’s system the autoimmune system will ignore it as it poses no threat. However, when it’s attached to another pathogen it kickstarts the immune system. Unlike most vaccine researchers the UPMC was using a weakened strain of measles to perform that function. Up until April of this year that is, then everything changed:

“This original vaccine candidate, however, was mysteriously dropped from subsequent reports and statements from UPMC regarding its Covid-19 vaccine efforts. Indeed, in recent months, Duprex’s statements on the center’s Covid-19 vaccine candidates no longer mention the once-promising PittCoVacc at all. Instead, new reports, citing Duprex, claim that the only UPMC vaccine candidates are the CEPI-funded measles-vaccine candidate and another, more mysterious vaccine candidate, whose nature has only been recently revealed by documents obtained through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.”

“Though Duprex has been relatively forthcoming about the nature of the first UPMC vaccine candidate (i. e., the CEPI-funded measles-vector vaccine), he has been much more tight-lipped about its second vaccine candidate. In late August, he told the Pittsburgh Business Times that the second vaccine candidate that UPMC was developing “works by delivering genetic material coding for a viral protein instead of the entire weakened or killed virus as is standard in other vaccines.” Yet Duprex declined to state what vector will be used to deliver the genetic material into human cells. Recent FOIA revelations, nevertheless, have revealed that UPMC’s second vaccine candidate involves genetically engineering a combination of SARS-Cov-2 and anthrax, a substance better known for its potential use as a bioweapon.”


The measles-vector vaccine is scrapped in April and less than a month later Dr. Lu, the researcher on the verge of a breakthrough, is killed in a “murder-suicide” by a jealous lover. It seems far more likely that Dr. Lu’s breakthrough ran afoul of what his superiors were working toward, or perhaps he was about to blow the whistle on certain unethical goings on at UPMC.

Using anthrax as a vector when measles will serve the same purpose should be cause for concern. Anthrax is a deadly biological weapon that has been banned, why would anyone want to make it a part of a medical protocol?

“The recently obtained documents reveal that the BSL-3 lab that is part of UPMC’s Center for Vaccine Research is conducting eyebrow-raising research involving combining SARS-CoV-2 with Bacillus anthracis, the causative agent of anthrax infection. Per the documents, anthrax is being genetically engineered by a researcher, whose name was redacted in the release, so that it will express the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, which is the part of the coronavirus that allows it to gain access into human cells. The researcher asserts that “the [genetically engineered anthrax/SARS-CoV-2 hybrid] can [be] used as a host strain to make SARS-CoV-2 recombinant S protein vaccine,” and the creation of said vaccine is the officially stated purpose of the research project. The documents were produced by the University of Pittsburgh’s Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC), which held an emergency meeting on June 22nd of this year to “discuss specific protocols involving research with the coronavirus,” which included a vote on the aforementioned proposal.”


The FOIA request was presented by Edward Hammond, the former director of the Sunshine Project, a group opposed to biological and chemical weapons. He attributes the anthrax/SARS-CoV-2 combination not to malice, but to too many dollars chasing too little research -- in other words to keep the grant money pouring in. However, given that anthrax has only one purpose, Mr. Hammond may not be seeing the forest for the trees.

“Hammond told The Last American Vagabond that the experiment, which he dubs ‘Corona-thrax,’ is ‘emblematic of the pointless research excesses that often characterize the response of scientists to the federal government throwing billions of dollars at health crises.’ Hammond added, ‘While I don’t think that Corona-thrax would be infectious, it falls into the categories of pointless and crazy. The biggest immediate risk of all this activity is that a researcher will deliberately or inadvertently create a modified form of SARS-CoV-2 that is even more difficult to treat, or more deadly, and this virus will escape the lab. It only takes a stray droplet.’” [emphasis added]


History has proven that whatever can be used for nefarious purposes eventually will, no matter how noble the intentions of the inventors. And then there are the ties between UPMC and the Gates Foundation -- Bill Gates is a eugenicist and advocate of depopulation. Gates, along with his allies at the WHO, CDC, and NIH have already warned of a new strain they predict will hit in the Fall. There have also been reports of mutations. In my email exchange with Dr. Raul DePena -- who created a UV-Light protocol to kill viruses -- he told me that bacteria and viruses don’t mutate on their own, they must be manipulated.

“Once you are immune to a foreign body, you are protected your WHOLE life, why then is this flu so bad? I don’t believe in “random mutations”, just like I don’t believe in the “evolution” of species absurdity. “

“This is all new and invented in the last 100 years, how to manipulate bacteria and viruses, similar to how you can create a new breed of dog. A new “breed” can be created, but a dog is still a dog, not a snake or bird. The same thing with viruses and bacteria, you can create a new “breed” ( STRAIN ) but a virus is a virus. Look at the similarity between the Hepatitis C virus and Coronavirus, they basically look the same.”


There is already a large body of evidence showing that SARS-CoV-2 was created in a laboratory, not a naturally occurring phenomenon from bats as the “official narrative” proclaims. One such piece of evidence gain of function:

“Gain of function is the deliberate weaponization of pathogens, making them more virulent and/or transmissible, according to the NIH’s own definition. The only reasonable conclusion is that COVID-19 was manipulated in a lab to be released on an unsuspecting world by the Chinese government, the globalists, and the Democrats — all three of which have suffered by President Trump’s America First program. This was an act of war, the draconian measures taken by state governors is proof of that. There is no other explanation for the destruction of the US economy, shutdowns, lockdowns, etc.”


There is only one plausible explanation for coupling SARS-CoV-2 and anthrax, to create a more virulent strain of the virus. Researchers at UPMC are not working on a vaccine -- they’re working on a bioweapon. They intend to use the vaccine to infect people with a more virulent and deadly form of the disease.

“Jonathan Latham, a virologist who previously taught at the University of Wisconsin and who is the current editor of Independent Science News, agreed with Hammond that the Corona-thrax experiment is odd and said that he was “concerned here specifically about the research process and the risks of these specific experiments at Pittsburgh.” In an interview with The Last American Vagabond, Latham asserted that it is “unusual by historical standards . . . the combining of two highly pathogenic organisms in a single experiment.” He did note, however, that such studies for the purposes of vaccine research have become more common in recent years, as is made clear in a 2012 study.

“Also odd is what sort of incentive UPMC’s Center for Vaccine Research possesses for the Corona-thrax experiment. There are currently over a hundred vaccine candidates that use existing and tested vaccine platforms in pursuit of a Covid-19 vaccine, a fact Duprex himself has acknowledged. As Hammond told The Last American Vagabond, ‘It is perfectly obvious that there are numerous existing vaccine platforms for Covid-19 and that some of them will, sooner or more likely later, succeed. There is no serious need for some sort of quite strange bacterial platform, much less one that happens to be anthrax. It’s completely unnecessary and frankly bizarre.’”


Unnecessary and bizarre unless you’re creating a bioweapon. Dr. Anthony Fauci and the NIAID is also involved: “The creation of UPMC’s RBL was first announced in 2003, when the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID, then and currently led by Anthony Fauci) stated it would fund the laboratory’s construction with an $18 million grant. It was originally planned to be mainly “dedicated to research on agents that cause naturally occurring and emerging infections, as well as potential agents of bioterrorism.” The plan to create the lab was part of the US government decision to dramatically ramp up “biodefense” research in the wake of the 2001 anthrax attacks.”


It also doesn’t explain why SARS-CoV-2 and anthrax are being used together as a platform for a vaccine with other equally viable vectors available. “The opening of both this lab and UPMC’s Center for Vaccine Research was made reality thanks to the efforts of the main authors of the June 2001 Dark Winter bioterror simulation, a controversial exercise that eerily predicted the 2001 anthrax attacks as well as the initial, yet bogus, narrative that Iraq and Islamic extremist terror groups were responsible for those attacks. However, the anthrax used in the attacks was later revealed to be of US military origin. As noted in Part I of this series, participants in the Dark Winter exercise had foreknowledge of the anthrax attacks and others were involved in the subsequent “investigation,” which many experts and former FBI investigators describe as a cover-up.”


The original “Dark Winter” exercise was conducted at Ft. Detrick, MD where a number of pathogens including anthrax, hantavirus, ebola, and other “unspecified pathogens” came up missing during the Clinton administration when Chinese “scientists” had full access to the facility. The excuse offered by investigators was that these deadly pathogens were “inadvertently thrown out with the trash.”

“Dark Winter was largely written by Tara O’Toole, Thomas Inglesby, and Randall Larsen, all three of whom played integral roles in the founding or operations of UPMC’s Center for Biosecurity, along with O’Toole’s mentor, D. A. Henderson. UPMC’s Center for Biosecurity was launched in September 2003, just days before the NIAID announced it would fund the RBL lab that would later become the UPMC’s Center for Vaccine Research.”


A new Dark Winter is being predicted and it looks like UPMC may play a key role in the plan. A new strain of SARS-CoV-2 -- the “second wave” as it’s being called -- one that contains anthrax would lead to a very dark winter indeed. The search for a vaccine is about a lot more than genetically modified human beings and biometric, digital IDs. The combination of SARS-CoV-2 and anthrax would be a lethal cocktail, one that will likely kill millions. The draconian measures -- lockdowns, shutdowns, martial law, and total control will be the final nail in America’s coffin. I’ll be reporting more on this as more information arises. Kudos to Whitney Webb for an illuminating article.

NOTE: All of the quotes from the Washington Standard originally appeared in an article by Whitney Webb in The Last American Vagabond


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