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The Assassination of Richard Nixon

The biggest thing that kept Richard Nixon from becoming one of the greatest presidents in US history was his declaration of his war on drugs. Unlike his successors, Ford, Carter, and Reagan, he meant it to be a success. He was ready to take on the CIA, Deep State and their smuggling operation out of the “Golden Triangle” in SE Asia. After essentially winning the war in Vietnam, as the Paris Peace Accords clearly show, the CIA and Deep State were desperate to keep the conflict going to satisfy the growing demand for heroin in the US and Europe. When Nixon declared war on drugs, that was the last straw, the die was cast and the Watergate sham began.

As Project Mockingbird clearly showed the CIA essentially controlled the MSM, and Woodward and Bernstein were no exception. Woodward even wrote a lengthy article decrying the project as an attempt to distance himself. Watergate was nothing more than a media attack against something both political parties had been engaging in for decades -- they just used the power of the press to amplify it. Nixon, like JFK before him, was determined to bring down the CIA and his war on drugs was his weapon of choice. He also understood the corruption surrounding the Kennedy family, the DNC and the globalist cabal.

The Kennedy family was the equivalent of the Clintons, just an earlier version. Joseph Sr., the family patriarch, was into everything including bootlegging, prostitution, gambling, etc. He made the family fortune by using his connections to find where and when the Boston mob was bringing liquor in from Canada, after which he would alert friends in the FBI who would seize it and give it back to Joe to sell to Frank Costello in New York.

FBI chief J. Edgar Hoover, whose sexual proclivities were well known to the NY mob was compromised. He was also an invernerate gambler, but he had the goods on the Kennedy clan, something that would be useful when Nixon became president -- another reason he had to be removed. The Kennedys are part of the same globalist cabal in power today. Nixon’s relationship with Hoover gave him access to information that would be essential to bringing down the cartel.

The only exceptions in the Kennedy family were Bobby and Jack, but for different reasons. Bobby was a narcissist, a self-absorbed political climber whose war on the Mafia likely affected his brother’s assassination. Jack knew who was responsible for his victory, but against his orders Bobby went after the mob. This is not to say that the mob killed JFK, but it wouldn’t have been possible without their assistance. Jack, on the other hand, was a patriot who put the country first, going against the family and Deep State when he threatened to smash the CIA “into a thousand pieces,” and expose the cabal -- the “monolithic conspiracy” that threatens the country.

At this time drugs was the CIA and cabal’s primary source of income, weapon sales, human trafficking, and organ harvesting would come later under Reagan, Bush, and Clinton, activities that continue until this day. Drugs are still a big part of the CIA’s money-making operation as was uncovered by journalist Gary Webb.

Nixon’s war on drugs threatened the cabal’s main source of income so he had to be destroyed. Kennedy had been killed only a decade before necessitating a different kind of assassination -- a character assassination. It’s important to view this from the perspective that the globalist cabal’s plan to control the world didn’t begin with the election of Donald Trump, Trump just brought them out into the open.

Nixon’s war on drugs is the key to understanding the drug problem that plagues America today. Had he been successful it would have eventually exposed the largest trafficker of drugs on the planet, the CIA. His removal, therefore, was a necessary element to the cabal’s maintaining power. I’ve written many times about the intelligence services in the west all being linked and run out of MI-6 in London, all represent the cabal and profit from the drugs being sold around the world. It was Tavistock Institute, a network of think tanks linked to the intel services, that created the Beatles and with them the basis of the drug counterculture of the 1960s. Moreover, the CIA was directly involved with the “Laurel Canyon drug and music scene,” as exposed by Dave McGowan.

The hippie counterculture “revolution” and the subsequent drug culture were orchestrated not only to benefit the intel services and cabal financially, but it was necessary for the destruction of the nuclear family and the American Judeo-Christian culture itself -- always the endgame of the deep state cabal.

JFK and Nixon, despite their superficial political differences, were both patriots who wanted to preserve the American way of life. Kennedy wanted to go after the intelligence services directly while Nixon wanted to attack their primary source of income. They were both roadblocks to the globalist’s plan and had to be eliminated. Drugs are an important part of the cabal’s plan, they not only provide a substantial source of revenue, they’re also an effective method of controlling people -- a reason they’re introduced into grammar schools with little or no opposition. Nixon wanted to end all of that.

Hollywood and the mass media also played a pivotal role, first by glorifying drug use, the counterculture, and anti-American “values,” through movies such as Easy Rider, then later through TV shows that made American values, Christianity, and other traditional values that support nuclear families look “uncool,” or “square.” Little by little they’ve chipped away at the values that made America great, glorifying things like rebellion and youth culture through movies like Rebel Without a Cause. This didn’t happen by accident, it was part of a plan years in the making. It was Tavistock that spawned terms like “teenager” and “cool.” Had Nixon remained in office and been successful this would have ended.

The media’s negative portrayal of Nixon, the “square” traditionalist began at least as early as the 1950 presidential debates. Part of this was his own fault as he refused makeup and came off looking seedy. Kennedy, on the other hand, looked cool and assured. The media’s portrayal of Kennedy, based solely on appearance and personality, failed to elucidate that both candidates were essentially on the same side.

When Nixon was in the White House the attacks came as a surprise more than anything else. That type of chicanery had been going on by both parties for decades. The Mockingbird media chose two hatchetmen, Woodward and Bernstein, both leftwing political hacks who took (or were given) control of the narrative. Their sole source of “evidence” was an anonymous informant called “Deep Throat.” If this person existed at all he was likely a CIA operative feeding them the narrative that the cabal wanted public. It was all unsubstantiated, but effective. So effective in fact that it has become the template for modern journalism featuring such nebulous justifications such as “a source close to the matter,” or “inside White House sources say.”

Nixon, an honorable man, stepped down to preserve the dignity of the office of the president, something you would never see today. Clinton, on the other hand, was guilty of lying to Congress and the American people and being a fundamentally dishonest man has benefited immensely from his crimes. The real story behind Watergate wasn’t the petty crimes of a few bungling burglars, the big story is how a president was destroyed to protect a criminal cabal that has flooded America with drugs in a cynical attempt to destroy a great nation.

Had Nixon been successful in his war on drugs, the cabal would have seriously been damaged. We don’t know what the burglars were actually looking for in the DNC suite at the Watergate -- perhaps evidence damaging to both the Democrats and the cabal. One thing is certain, two great patriots paid a heavy price fighting the CIA and the cabal that controls them --one with his life, the other with his reputation. The MSM and Hollywood miss no opportunity to besmirch this man, still after all of these years. No attempt to resurrect his legacy is allowed… he must have presented an existential threat to the powers that be. The question is why? The answer is to send a message to anyone else that threatens their power and agenda. In the world of politics things are rarely what they seem. Nixon has been vilified for nearly 50 years, his crime was doing something that was illegal but commonplace -- something commonly overlooked in the rough and tumble that is Washington politics until it was amplified and blown way out of proportion by a couple of political hitmen. Nixon did something wrong in an attempt to save the nation. Something that, although he’s dead, he’s still paying for. That tells me that he had something really big on the cabal.

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