Linked To Moscow: Censorship, the Official Narrative, and Totalitarianism


Since the election of Donald Trump in November 2016 all of the conspiracies pertaining to his administration are linked to Russia. As investigations by independent journalists have disclosed, these conspiracies -- the Steele dossier, etc. -- have developed out of the UK, instead of Moscow. Therefore, to preserve the official narrative, any voices questioning the veracity of the narrative must be silenced.

As I’ve written for years, for over a century the political ruling class in the UK have been dominated by the Rhodes/Milner Round Table Group. They have been working through Tavistock Institute and the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA), the British counterpart of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). Both are controlled by the Rothschild/Rockefeller diaspora of international bankers.

Their purpose is twofold: To preserve the British Empire through central banks rather than controlling territories, and bringing their former American colony back into the fold. This is the purpose behind the Rhodes Scholarship Program -- they target young American scholars with political aspirations, people like Bill Clinton, willing to sell their souls for money and power.

The cabal behind the corporate takeover has always operated out of the UK. They run the British security services, MI-5, MI-6, and GCHQ. Also involved are the US Intelligence Agencies and the State Department who work hand in hand with the CIA, along with the CFR. Ultimately they plan a corporate/international banker takeover using the Covid-19 scamdemic as cover. Their endgame is a totalitarian global order run out of the UN with China replacing the US as the new global superpower. It will be China that will assume the role of enforcer for the globalists, perpetuating the constant state of war the way that the US once did.

It is also the British Intelligence Services that are setting the agenda for the constant surveillance, lockdowns, social credit system,and other draconian measures most of which are already in place in China -- the ones rejected by many Europeans, purposely ignored by the American news media.

The London Telegraph (Paywall) reports that spies from Britain’s most secretive intelligence and security organisation, Government Communications Headquarters, have embedded a ‘cell’ within Number 10 Downing Street in order to provide Prime Minister Boris Johnson with real time information pertaining to the public’s movements.”

"GCHQ analysts have been given access to mobile phone data to track the public's movements during the national lockdown. The up-to-the-minute reports on compliance are passed to the Prime Minister"

In America contract tracing funded by the Clinton and Gates Foundations, along with government agencies, are encouraging people to spy on their neighbors and report them similar to the Nazi regime in wartime Germany and the USSR. Children in public schools are typically questioned by teachers about family activities on Thanksgiving.

Whatever draconian measures taken by the Brits, can soon be expected here in the US. In the UK, GCHQ is being used to purge the internet of material contradictory to the official narrative, labeling it “disinformation.” In America the social media giants Facebook and Twitter, along with Google are following suit.

"The Daily Mail also reports on the development, which notes that GCHQ, normally tasked with spying on terrorists and foreign powers, has been turned on the British public to gauge whether people are following the COVID ‘rules’ or not. The report notes that as well as tracking the movement of people, the spies are collecting information on “internet searches for holidays and jobs.”

"A source told The Telegraph that the spying is aiding ‘better policymaking,’ concerning the coronavirus pandemic, and will be used in order to make a decision on whether the lockdown will be extended beyond December 2, even though Johnson insisted that it definitely wouldn’t. The spy agency is also being employed to combat ‘anti-vaccination conspiracy theories’ being spread on social media, in relation to the pandemic. Speaking anonymously to the London Times earlier this month, a source noted that “GCHQ has been told to take out anti-vaxers online and on social media. There are ways they have used to monitor and disrupt terrorist propaganda.”

Only criminal governments fearing exposure would go to such lengths to eradicate free speech. In the US, the CDC is proposing camps to “protect those most at risk,” a polite euphemism for anyone questioning or speaking out against government policies pertaining to the false pandemic. “The CDC claims the purpose of the camps is to prevent overwhelming medical facilities and to avoid lockdowns of the general population by protecting vulnerable people.”

“Innocent people who [sic] and symptom-free could be ripped away from their families and loved ones, put on lockdown, and lose their freedom. The CDC admits that the effectiveness of preventing infection using the shielding approach, a euphemism for strict, mass quarantines, has never been documented.”

While the military in the US will be used to deploy vaccines under Operation Warp Speed, in the UK, they will be used to test school children without parental consent, marking them with a barcode.

“As thousands of people in the UK this past weekend protested new COVID lockdowns, the British Army is planning on rolling out a massive new COVID testing initiative in the city of Liverpool this week, seeking to test a half million people in a program that will be rolled out to the entire nation if successful. As part of that initiative, a letter was sent out to the parents of children attending Broadgreen International School, letting them know that their child would be tested by the military even without their consent.”

  • Bring in the military to run Covid19 tests.

  • Test children without getting parental consent first.

  • Identify each individual with a “unique barcode”.

  • “Isolate” and “secure” anyone who tests positive.

Virtually none of what’s going on is being reported by the Mockingbird media, the propaganda arm of the intelligence agencies behind the war on the truth -- agencies that operate in secret with almost no oversight from the government or the public.

“British and American state intelligence agencies are “weaponizing truth” to quash vaccine hesitancy as both nations prepare for mass inoculations, in a recently announced “cyber war” to be commanded by AI-powered arbiters of truth against information sources that challenge official narratives. In just the past week, the national-security states of the United States and United Kingdom have discreetly let it be known that the cyber tools and online tactics previously designed for use in the post-9/11 “war on terror” are now being repurposed for use against information sources promoting “vaccine hesitancy” and information related to Covid-19 that runs counter to their state narratives. “

The intelligence agencies of two countries have joined the social media giants in suppressing the truth. We can also assume that when “high risk” people begin to be rounded up and placed in concentration camps the MSM and social media will remain mum. All that will likely be published is that it was in response to a new wave of infections. The problem with lying is that once you begin you have to stick with the story.

“A new cyber offensive was launched on Monday by the UK’s signal intelligence agency, Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), which seeks to target websites that publish content deemed to be “propaganda” that raises concerns regarding state-sponsored Covid-19 vaccine development and the multinational pharmaceutical corporations involved. Similar efforts are underway in the United States, with the US military recently funding a CIA-backed firm—stuffed with former counterterrorism officials who were behind the occupation of Iraq and the rise of the so-called Islamic State—to develop an AI algorithm aimed specifically at new websites promoting “suspected” disinformation related to the Covid-19 crisis and the US military–led Covid-19 vaccination effort known as Operation Warp Speed.”

“Both countries are preparing to silence independent journalists who raise legitimate concerns over pharmaceutical industry corruption or the extreme secrecy surrounding state-sponsored Covid-19 vaccination efforts, now that Pfizer’s vaccine candidate is slated to be approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) by month’s end.”

All of this begs the question, why are intelligence agencies involved in an issue that revolves around public health? Clearly something that has nothing to do with public health and everything to do with control -- forced compliance, a manifestation of totalitarianism is at play.

The CFR, Joe Biden, and “A Return to Normalcy”

It is almost impossible to underestimate the power of the globalist CFR, which is so pervasive as is their relationship and control over the intelligence agencies both in the US and UK who receive their marching orders from them… the CFR in the US and the RIIA in the UK. So too do many of the highest levels of the bureaucracies in both countries. When the CFR opened their Washington DC office, Hillary Clinton remarked (and I paraphrase): “No we don’t have to go so far for our orders.” Most of the cabinet level appointments in the past several administrations have come from the ranks of the CFR, particularly in the Clinton and Obama administrations.

“A Joe Biden presidency means a “return to normality” simply because it means a return of the US Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). In 2008, Barack Obama received the names of his entire future cabinet already one month prior to his election by CFR Senior Fellow (and Citigroup banker) Michael Froman, as a Wikileaks email later revealed. Consequently, the key posts in Obama’s cabinet were filled almost exclusively by CFR members, as was the case in most cabinets since World War II. To be sure, Obama’s 2008 Republican opponent, the late John McCain, was a CFR member, too. Michael Froman later negotiated the TPP and TTIP international trade agreements, before returning to the CFR as a Distinguished Fellow.”

Another thing to take into consideration is the relationship between the CFR and UN, both of which were creations of the Rockefeller family, partners with the Rothschilds and co-founders of the New World Order, the one world government managed by the UN. Both the CFR and their British counterpart have been working toward the same goal for generations, the UN is just the mechanism to be used to maintain control. In America the CFR has for the most part controlled both political parties, the Democrats more so than the Republicans although both share similar goals.

The CFR represents the interests of the international bankers and multinational corporations involved in international trade, central banking, and the Covid-19 scamdemic, designed to destroy small businesses, the American economy and implement their own economic system -- the “Great Reset.” To accomplish this goal, control of the mainstream media both in the US and Europe is vital.

“In 2017, CFR nightmare President Donald Trump immediately canceled these trade agreements – because he viewed them as detrimental to US domestic industry – which allowed China to conclude its own, recently announced RCEP free-trade area, encompassing 14 countries and a third of global trade. Trump also canceled other CFR achievements, like the multinational Iran nuclear deal and the UN climate and migration agreements, and he tried, but largely failed, to withdraw US troops from East Asia, Central Asia, the Middle East, Europe and Africa, thus seriously endangering the global US empire built over decades by the CFR and its 5000 elite members.”

“Unsurprisingly, most of the US media, whose owners and editors are themselves members of the CFR, didn’t like President Trump. This was also true for most of the European media, whose owners and editors are members of international CFR affiliates like the Bilderberg Group and the Trilateral Commission, founded by CFR directors after the conquest of Europe during World War II. Moreover, it was none other than the CFR which in 1996 advocated a closer cooperation between the CIA and the media, i.e. a restart of the famous CIA Operation Mockingbird. Historically, OSS and CIA directors since William Donovan and Allen Dulles have always been CFR members.”

Lured with promises of “social and environmental justice,” the rioting idiots of Antifa and BLM are just pawns in a game of world domination. Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 have nothing to do with environmental sustainability and everything to do with a global political order controlled by corporate overlords through the UN. Since its inception in 1946, the UN has provided peace and harmony nowhere on earth. They take their marching orders from the CFR, an organization that has no interest whatsoever in world peace. Joe Biden, should he be inaugurated, is merely a puppet for the CFR.

“Joe Biden promised that he would form “the most diverse cabinet” in US history. This may be true in terms of skin color and gender, but almost all of his key future cabinet members have one thing in common: they are, indeed, members of the US Council on Foreign Relations. This is the case for Anthony Blinken (State), Alejandro Mayorkas (Homeland Security), Janet Yellen (Treasury), Michele Flournoy and Jeh Johnson (candidates for Defense), Linda Thomas-Greenfield (Ambassador to the UN), Richard Stengel (US Agency for Global Media; Stengel famously called propaganda “a good thing” at a 2018 CFR session), John Kerry (Special Envoy for Climate), Nelson Cunningham (candidate for Trade), and Thomas Donilon (candidate for CIA Director).”

Vice President Kamala Harris’ only real experience is as a prosecutor and that will be the role she will be expected to play in a Biden presidency. She will likely be tasked with persecuting perceived “enemies of the state,” Trump supporters and anyone that questions the official narrative. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and other Democratic operatives are already preparing lists of people to be targeted for “reeducation.” The Covid-19 scamdemic and ensuing lockdowns due to a new wave or increase in cases reported by the Mockingbird media will be used for cover to prevent people from taking to the streets in protest.

“Frankly, it really doesn’t matter what you call the old/new boss—the Deep State, the Controllers, the masterminds, the shadow government, the corporate elite, the police state, the surveillance state, the military industrial complex—so long as you understand that no matter who occupies the White House, it is a profit-driven, an unelected bureaucracy that is actually calling the shots.”

“Free speech, the right to protest, the right to challenge government wrongdoing, due process, a presumption of innocence, the right to self-defense, accountability and transparency in government, privacy, media, sovereignty, assembly, bodily integrity, representative government: all of these and more are casualties in the government’s war on the American people.”

And at the top of the pyramid here in the US is the Council on Foreign Relations and in the UK, their counterpart the Royal Institute of International Relations and their social engineering arm Tavistock Institute. I can’t emphasize enough the influence of the British ruling class on America, particularly the Rothschilds. It was Rothschild money that funded the Rockefeller’s rise to financial prominence. They’ve worked together as a single unit since the beginning of the 20th century if not before. It was Rothschild international bankers (Schiff, Warburg, etc.) that were behind the creation of the Federal Reserve.

The British Empire never ceased to exist, and has, in fact, expanded in both size and scope trading land for financial control through their network of central banks. These two articles I wrote a couple of years ago go into more detail:

It is the same Rothschild/Rockefeller international banking cartel that is behind the Great Reset, the New World Order, and the Covid-19 scamdemic. The 2010 Rockefeller plan and subsequent 2020 plan both lay out the cabal’s plan to use the Covid-19 scamdemic as a tool for control. However, for this plan to come to fruition, dissenting voices must be silenced. The UK has already implemented stringent surveillance and lockdown procedures, under a Biden/Harris presidency the US will soon follow suit. GCHQ in the UK is already scouring the internet for “disinformation” and US intelligence will do the same. In both countries anyone questioning the official narrative will be treated as terrorists. Social media is doing their part and as we all know from Edward Snowden’s revelations the NSA collects all electronic transmissions. The next step will be to use contact tracing to round up dissenters and put them in “quarantine centers” to promote public health and to keep these “high risk” individuals safe.

The scamdemic is about total control, doing away with nationalism and replacing it with a totalitarian world government. All of the pieces are in place for their plan to succeed, the only hindrance being the First Amendment’s free speech provision. The powers that be will do everything they can to silence dissent… they’ve already taken away the right to peacefully assemble in the interest of “public health.” Public health will be used as the means to promote their unconstitutional agenda. If Americans don’t stand up for their rights now, they will all soon disappear -- and it won’t be Moscow that is behind it.

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