It’s Bigger Than You Think: Epstein - Maxwell… The Pieces Begin to Fall Into Place Pt.2

Russian Oligarchs, Rock Stars, Hollywood & the White House

This segment begins with a documentary called The Silent Children in which several prominent rock stars were involved, among them Chris Cornell, Chester Bennington, D J Avicii, and celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain… all dead due to “suicide.” Also involved as a “consultant” was Paul Myhill, founder of Traffic Jam, the charity dedicated to helping the victims of child sex trafficking.

“Traffic Jam works with many faiths, NGOs, and governmental programs. During the start-up of Traffic Jam in 2004, Paul concurrently served as the Vice President of World Orphans, a mid-sized charity that has participated in the funding of over 500 orphan homes in almost 50 countries. In 2006, Paul was appointed as the President/CEO of World Orphans and now leads this global organization.”

As most people that have investigated Pedogate/Pizzagate know that many of these NGOs are fronts for child trafficking operations and the government agencies involved are complicit in the operations. Myhill’s involvement is questionable at best as his character.

“You can see his tattoo features a known pedo logo. Masonic imagery can be seen in this photo with Sting. He's palled around with other known assets like Katy Perry and Elton John. Could Myhill be the reason this project never lifted? Did he sell out Cornell and the others?”

David Geffen, the billionaire music producer is one of the keys, a go-between, being friends with the Clintons -- who figure into this in more ways than their friendship with Epstein and Maxwell -- Oprah Winfrey, and many other elites tied to this sick business. There are also some other unusual occurrences such as a $1 million grant that Bennington received from the Clinton Foundation to start a recycling plant in Haiti.

“Bennington (Podesta Jr?) and his band, Linkin Park, were given a million dollar grant by the Clinton Foundation to open an SRS recycling plant in...that's right, Haiti. Chester knew about the abuses being committed against the Haitian people.”

Chris Cornell got married in 2004 to a woman named Vicki Karayiannis, an escort with some unusual friends -- “This information was verified by Brittany Murphy before being murdered. Brittany attended the wedding as she was dating Jeff Kwatinetz at the time, who was Cornell's agent back then.” Funny how many of Geffen’s friends, like those close to the Clintons, wind up dead. Another of Vicki’s friends was a woman named Dasha Zhukova who was married to an Israeli/Russian mob boss named “Roman Abramovich (owner of Chelsea FC) and is good friends with David Geffen.”

“PLOT TWIST: Enter Courtney Love. Yes. CL produced a measurable body count, having cleaned up Cobain and others like El Duce and Kristen Pfaff. CL is featured in Epstein's flight logs and his black book. Her many connections kept her out of prison.”

Courtney Love is also a friend of Marina Abramovic, the “performance artist” as well as Hugo Chavez. She was also a frequent flyer on the “Lolita Express.” Abramovic also ties many in Hollywood and Washington together. Another friend of Chavez was Sean Penn, the Hollywood A-lister mentioned in the Blind Item article.

“Nor is the Hollywood A-Lister with a history of friendship with banana-Republic rulers. That A-Lister was a guest of Mari, as a tag-along with a member of that political family. The A-Lister, for all of his own nasty history, enjoyed the party favors at the foreign hideaway; but he drew the line at partaking in sexual activities. (Which says a lot with that guy’s history).”

“In fact, the A-Lister (who is either an actor or director or maybe even both), was disgusted by what he was offered by his hosts; and the few things he saw himself. So he partook of partying/drugs, but not the underage sex crimes. According to the A-Lister, he is very scared about the people he did see there and what it could mean if it all came out. Not just as a witness for legal reasons, but scared for his life. Not his career — as this is a guy who revels in controversy. He is literally afraid for his own life. Maybe he should’ve been more scared…not for himself but for those poor victims…back when he was partying on-site with them all.”

Apparently Penn had been recording some of the “festivities” at the Venezuelan retreat.

“The A-lister had, in fact, quite a collection of his home videos. Some of these are historical and others are very private. He always planned to keep them “sealed” until after his death, then have a filmmaker assemble them once unsealed. Back when he visited the estate to party with Mari and Monster, he took his small camera and recorded the festivities. Until it was suggested to him that he stop immediately. But he had already recorded many of the elite, famous, and powerful guests and some of their partying.”

“What he recorded was not so much anything of a criminal nature, but was actual proof of people who were there — and who they were with. It is proof that contradicts statements of VERY powerful people who deny being at Monster & Mari’s “parties” (or only knowing them briefly years ago). It would be enough to support many of the charges by showing visual proof of who was with who.”

The knowledge of this incriminating information is likely a big part of Maxwell reaching out to the Russian Oligarch, Semion Mogilevich. Mogilevich is a shady character with ties to the Russian mob, even to where he has been described as “the Godfather.” He also has ties to the White House, Donald Trump, and Paul Manafort.

Something was wrong. At first, it was just instinct. During the Republican primaries, things weren’t adding up for us with Donald Trump.”

It wasn’t Donald’s “-isms.” It wasn’t his nature, or his voters, or our own politics. It was what we knew about him from journalists like Wayne Barrett. It was what we knew about Donald’s history, that NO ONE in the current media was properly covering. Why? Something was wrong. WHAT was it?

And then came Paul Manafort. He entered the scene as a campaign manager. We knew what that meant. We knew who Manafort was, and where he came from. That was the moment we began to dig. What we found is a simple truth. And now, we’re bringing that truth to you.

What this entire thread is about -- and you can draw your own conclusions -- is Trump’s relationship with Semion Mogilevich. What some want to expand into the realm of “Russian collusion” is in reality simply the way the construction business in New York and other large cities is done. You can’t build anything in NYC without dealing with the mob. They control the unions, concrete delivery and manufacture, trash removal, and the people who do the work. The Italian mob has been replaced in much of this by the Russian mob run by Mogilevich. It has nothing to do with Trump’s politics or his loyalty to the country. Moreover, if the choice is between Trump and the Russian mob vs. the Democrats and Chinese communists, I’ll go with Trump any day.

Ghislaine Maxwell contacting Mogilevich likely had more to do with his contacting Trump to provide protection than facial reconstructive surgery. “Since we don’t yet know what the Russian will do; and Mari hasn’t made her request besides “seeing the doctor”? Then we still don’t know how it all plays out. Even the authorities have yet to pounce. She may have surgery to alter her face/body and go on the lam. She may fake her own suicide or murder. She may actually kill herself or be killed by others. She may even be arrested and caught before she runs. Because if others know what she’s planning — better believe the cops/security services also know. Whether they act on it (or are allowed to act on it) may be a different story.”

Ghislaine has been apprehended so it remains to be seen what arrangements have been put in place to protect her if any. It could very well be that she came back and established residence in a fairly remote place so that she could be apprehended and protected while divulging what she knows.

David Geffen

It should be abundantly clear that the only involvement in this story that President Trump and Semion Mogilevich have is in providing protection for Ghislaine Maxwell, not so with David Geffen and his Hollywood friends and people from the music industry who were either actively engaged in child trafficking, or at least witnesses -- which explains why many of them are dead now.

Chris Cornell, before his death, was about to reveal information about an international child trafficking ring that included Geffen and many others in Hollywood and the music industry.

“Geffen ran into actors (Josh Brolin & James Franco) while out to dinner one night with a friend of Cornell’s wife [Dasha Zhukova] who is an international prostitute. He stopped by the table of Brolin/Franco and allegedly told the A list actor he had fresh meat and should stop by. They did so and apparently Franco engaged in sexual activity with some of these teen boys. I don’t know if the teens he hooked up with were legal or not. Fast forward a little bit. This is where things take an even stranger turn. Apparently the escort was not only hooking up with Franco, but also Chris Cornell himself. Chris’ wife had no idea. I still don’t think she has any idea, although the relationship between the two has grown more frosty as of late. I don’t think Franco knew, but probably wouldn’t have cared. I don’t think Chris Cornell knew about Franco and the escort either because Cornell was gone so frequently. Apparently one of those teens being interviewed mentioned Franco or enough of a description of him that the escort knew who the teen was referring to. Whether she saw the video or heard about it from Vicky Karayiannis, I don’t know. The next thing you know, the escort is telling Franco what she knew and Franco was telling Geffen. Fate sealed. Almost immediately after that, the escort suddenly decides that she needs to leave the country again, where she has remained since. Let us call this actor Franco never one to be discreet about sex or who has sex with or concerned about age, our actor has got into trouble for his behavior in the past.”

Epstein and Chris Cornell are dead, along with Chet Bennington, DJ Avicci, and Anthony Bourdain (remember who he was married to) and child sex-trafficking in the Caribbean islands and elsewhere is still going strong. Cornell had made a promise to “fight for the kids,” and now he is dead likely from the ring that Geffen is a part of that includes Marina Abramovic, Courtney Love, his wife Vicki, John Podesta, the Clintons, Oprah Winfrey, Harvey Weinstein, James Alefantis, Richard Branson, and many others in the Hollywood/Washington elite circles, as well as their equally perverted friends overseas.

The article from the Metal Den is well worth the read as it connects Geffen to Comet Ping Pong, Marc Collins-Rector, Brock Pierce, and other well-known pedophiles, as well as Courtney Love and many others. But there’s a lot more going on in the Caribbean in addition to child sex-trafficking. It goes on to mention models being recruited, something Epstein and Maxwell played a big part of.

“There was another group of women that have met a different fate. Most were Instagram models. Men overseas would go on the internet and choose one they wanted. They would then be quoted a fee of between $2500-9500 to a business located in Washington D.C. That business specialized in selling items that were all priced in that range. The crazy thing is though if you took a look at the business, they didn’t actually have any inventory. They were just funneling money for a bunch of different purposes. One of those purposes was providing Instagram models as wives to some very very bad people who had been promised wives if they signed up to fight. Most of these Instagram models that were picked at random had no interest in going overseas even for sex. However, there was plenty that the escort found through her web of other escort friends and models she would talk to online. How to make sure the models were really interested? SB would make a personal plea or his almost equally famous family member. The models would be told easy money was waiting overseas. The models all thought they were going to Dubai. They would start in Dubai but were then transported to other places not as nice and then married off. The people getting the wives were not going to complain about not getting their first choice or try to demand a refund. These models were then paraded and used as a recruitment tool to get more people to sign up to fight. Now, it isn’t clear whether SB or the A+ lister or even the escort or our hated widow knew the full story of these models. I do know they knew the women were being sold/rented to men in Dubai. I know they took a cut of that big fee paid to that mystery business. I know the escort is still trolling for new women online to sell. I don’t know who her new middleman is, but she is still doing it.”

This is all a part of the documented involvement by Epstein, Leslie Wexner, and the Victoria’s Secret scam that involves Naomi Campbell, Heidi Klum, Rachel Chandler, in their procurement operation. Who remembers this guy?

This is Patrick Demarchelier, a famous French fashion photographer, who seems to be involved in this affair, perhaps to lend an air of respectability to the operation.

Sex and power go hand in hand, sex has been used as a method of controlling politicians as far back as the Greeks, probably before. As time has gone on, and technology has evolved the methods of control have evolved along with it… brownstone operations and honey traps. There is also nothing new about sex parties, “orgies,” and/or pedophilia, they’ve gone on throughout history as well. Wife-swapping parties have been common in America at least since the 50s, but somewhere along the way the sexual appetites of the elites took on a more sinister, satanic overtone, where satanic rituals became a part of the political/power dynamic, hence the popularity of people such as Marina Abramovic.

Child sacrifice is as old as Moloch worship… probably older. But it, like the sexual appetites, has taken on a sinister nature where the elites enjoy this perfidy. It’s become more than a tool for blackmail and ascendence in the “cabal,” it’s now a perversion enjoyed by those who practice it… an evil unto itself. Lamentably, trafficking children for this perversion has become one of the most lucrative black market enterprises there is, 3rd only to drugs and weapons -- and many elites in Hollywood and those in power are profiting handsomely.

As we move on to the Caribbean islands in the next episode, bear in mind that not only children, but drugs, weapons, uranium, and other things are being smuggled by the rich and powerful.

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