It’s Bigger Than You Think: Epstein - Maxwell… The Pieces Begin to Fall Into Place Part 4

Perverts of the Caribbean

The Caribbean has been a hotspot for illicit sexual activity for a long time, at least since the 1940s when the mob ran Cuba. Some may remember the scene from Godfather II when Fredo brought Michael, a Senator, and ATT executives to a sordid sex show… art imitating life, or life imitating art? A bit of both I suspect. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

In addition to Cuba, which is still a favored destination for pedophiles, the rest of the Caribbean and Latin America provide a ready source of children for these perverts, with Aruba, Haiti, and the Dominican Republic being near the top of the list. Ironically these are the same islands and nations where the Clintons and their friends have “business interests” particularly in tourism.

“The Caribbean is not just a drug trafficking hub, it is also a child trafficking and sex trafficking hub. According to the U.S. Department of State Trafficking in Persons June, 2018 report, this is what they have to say about Aruba specifically. Just this past August 2018, 350 victims of human trafficking were rescued in the Caribbean. The Caribbean trafficking pipeline is a hot bed for drugs, child sex trafficking, prostitution and forced labor – and tourism is cover for all of it.”

Owning islands in the Virgin Islands provides these pedophiles a “playground” without having to bring children into the US for their sordid activities. There is another twist to this tale that revolves around the Clintons and Voodoo. The Clinton’s 1975 foray into the world of Voodoo set the stage for several other excursions to the island nation. “This was potentially the early stages of the Clintons' intrigue into the world of voodoo, and they returned several times to Haiti for voodoo ceremonies (and black magic) to assist with Bill’s elections. This may sound like a contrived story, but this has been confirmed by Haitian officials and priests, in addition to my source, a native of Haiti. It is important to understand that surveys have put the number of voodoo adherents in Haiti as high as 85 percent, even among the educated classes, and Houngans (a voodoo priest) are even more important in the Haitian capital than psychiatrists are in Washington, D.C.”

“Both Haitian officials and the Haiti Observateur stated that Clinton reaffirmed his faith in voodoo during his March 31, 1995 visit to the island. The official purpose of the visit as told by the American media was to celebrate Haiti’s supposed “return to democracy. ” However, the Haitian press had a much different story. The headlines of the March 29, 1995 issue of the Haiti Observateur read: “CLINTON ASSISTE À UNE CÉRÉMONIE VAUDOU EN HAITI” (Clinton to assist in a voodoo ceremony in Haiti). The story, confirmed by Haitian officials, stated that initiating Clinton under the power of voodoo had two purposes — to render him impervious to the attacks of his Republican enemies in Washington, and to guarantee his re-election. While the initiation could protect Clinton from his political enemies, they say, it could not protect him from himself.”

It gives one pause to wonder how many of the Clinton’s pals are also into these “dark arts” given the success of the Clintons, not only politically, financially, and in avoiding prosecution for their myriad crimes over the years. What if the satanic rituals that involve child sacrifice are actually Voodoo, or some combination of the two? The Clintons’ involvement in Voodoo is already documented.

“The Clintons’ hands are in everything. They are at the very center of the corrupt power structure. Their thirst for power is insatiable, and they invoke black magic to achieve their desires. Is it any wonder as to why our government agencies and officials are petrified to flip on this soulless duo? Do they fear their names may be added to the Clinton death count, or do they fear a black magic spell will strike them down? Whereas a baby was not sacrificed in this particular ceremony Hillary engaged in, she fully understands the nature of black magic ceremonies and is complicit in the sacrifice of babies. If Hillary is okay with sacrificing babies, what would stop her from sacrificing adults? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Sit with that for a moment.”

I know this is a lot of “what if’s,” but what if it isn’t just the Clintons that engage in these practices? What if their friends like Richard Branson, David Geffen, Oprah, Epstein, other prominent Democrats, are also involved? It really isn’t that big of a stretch from satanism to Voodoo. There’s this email from Hillary to Lynn de Rothschild:

“Yet, the most bizarre interaction between Clinton and Lady de Rothschild took place in an email titled “Info for you” (ID#1606), which was sent while Clinton was serving as US Secretary of State. In the email, Clinton tells Lady de Rothschild that she had to ask Tony Blair (then-Prime Minister of England) to accompany her to Israel due to the Middle East peace negotiations taking place at the time. Blair had previously planned to spend the weekend in Aspen, Colorado with the Rothschilds at an unspecified conference, but accepted Clinton’s invitation. Clinton then says “I hope you all understand. […] Let me know what penance I owe you.” For those who are not familiar with the word, penance is defined as follows: “An act of self-mortification or devotion performed voluntarily to show sorrow for a sin or other wrongdoing.” Does this sound like something Hillary Clinton would normally say?”

Lynn de Rothschild, along with Hillary, Tony Blair’s wife Cherie, Richard Branson, and his mother are all founders of ICMEC. There was also something about Hillary promising to sacrifice a chicken, a practice common in Voodoo. Haiti is also one of the epicenters of child sex-trafficking and organ harvesting as well… it is also a major source of income for the Clinton Foundation, both legal (but unethical) and illegal as well.

It would not be an overstatement to say that Haiti gave the Clintons the ability to print money for all intents and purposes… all to the detriment of the Haitian people. The links between the Clintons and organ harvesting are already well established. “In 2016 – 59 dead bodies were found with missing organs in the small town of Thomazeau, in northern Haiti. It was never reported about.”

One of the most damaging Clinton policies in Haiti has to do with the farmers. Haiti, up until the ”Clinton Intervention,” was one of the largest producers of rice. Bill Clinton effectively put an end to that.

“Though Haiti was a huge producer of rice, producing enough for both consumption and exporting, Bill Clinton had the tariff lowered, established a “deal” in Haiti to be “the seller of rice”, then proceeded to import rice from Arkansas. This completely obliterated the rice production in Haiti, as the farmers could no longer sell enough rice.”

The Clintons’ foray into Haiti has never been to render aid or assistance to the Haitian people, but the opposite -- to ravage and exploit them for the benefit of wealthy donors to their foundation. The most troubling aspect of the Clintons foray into Haiti, however, is their ties to child sex trafficking and the organ harvesting that often follows.

Now they’ve broadened their approach to include the rest of the Caribbean and Latin America. “In December 2018 it was reported by the Miami Herald that Colombia’s booming tourism industry has a dark underbelly. Authorities executed a series of raids, breaking up an “Israeli mafia” that allegedly promoted parties with drugs and sex with minors to international tourists. They detained six Israelis and two Colombians, one being a policeman accused of passing confidential information to the group. $50 million in assets and property including hotels in Santa Marta, Cartagena, Medellin, and Bogota, was seized. Coincidentally, the Clintons have an alleged business in Bogota and a training center in Cartagena (that doesn’t really exist).”

Columbia is also a place where the Clintons and their friends have interests. I’ve already reported on the deal Hillary, as Sec. of State, got Canadian billionaire Frank Giustra )who also sits on the board of the CF) to harvest exotic hardwoods to sell to China. Through their Acceso group of CF subsidiaries, the Clintons, Frank Giustra, and Carlos Slim, the Mexican billionaire that owns controlling interest in the NY Times, has set up another front that works in Columbia and elsewhere in the Caribbean. This article explains it in full, including the Vatican’s “homosexual pipeline” that smuggles young men wanting to become priests and Slim’s involvement is providing Mexican soldiers to “assist Haitian police” after the earthquake of 2010.

But although the Clinton’s are an important link -- perhaps the “kingpins” -- to the criminality in the Caribbean, they aren’t alone in this endeavor. Epstein, Maxwell, other owners of islands in the region, along with politicians in the area are also involved.

Epstein, Maxwell, Biden, and Submarines

Joe Biden is a pedophile. We might as well get that out of the way first. He also owns an island in the American Virgin Islands, Water Island, quite an accomplishment for someone who has been in public service since the 1970s… these islands don’t come cheap.

Biden’s college roommate confirms that Biden is attracted to children. “Baxter Dmitry reports for Newspunch, April 3, 2019, that according to Paul Tatchell, a roommate of Joe Biden at the Syracuse University College of Law, Biden admitted he was sexually attracted to children.”

“Tatchell reportedly said that Biden ‘used to say it was his ‘civic responsibility’ and that if he didn’t ‘choke the chicken’ or ‘clean the hose pipe’ before spending time around children he wouldn’t be able to keep his hands off them.’”

By now everyone knows about Epstein’s Little St. James, also dubbed “Pedo Island,” or “Orgy Island.” What many don’t know about is that Joe Biden owns his own island about 10 miles away. There are some other facts unbeknownst by many others as well.

“Another 500 feet away is St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands, is the Port of Redhook, in which Epstein was half owner, along with the Governor of St Thomas. As half owner of the port of Red Hook, Jefferey Epstein could bypass all customs enforcement authorities, and move ANYTHING.”

What Little St. James, Red Hook, and Water Island all have in common is that they all have underwater docking facilities for submarines. “So, what could Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislane Maxwell, Joe Biden and family, be using these underwater ports for”

“Could it be to smuggle drugs, money, or children?”

Ghislaine Maxwell, in addition to being Epstein’s “madame” might hold the key to this as well. She’s a lot more than just a madame and British socialite:

* graduate of #OxfordUniversity

* key speaker at both the CFR and UN

* has a submarine pilot’s license

* owns a yacht, named “Plan B”

* owns a submarine

* owns a submarine company called #TerraMar

Her company, #TerraMar, funded by the #ClintonFoundation and #Epstein was based out of Epstein’s New York mansion.

We all know about Epstein and Maxwell’s ties to Mossad and likely MI-6 (which also means CIA) and the use of the island as a honeytrap -- a brownstone blackmail operation. But it seems that there’s a lot more going on there as well.

Largely overlooked has been Epstein’s Zorro Ranch that “...just happens to be located less than 20 miles away from many Top Secret Government weapons and nuclear research and testing facilities, laboratories, and other facilities housing Government/State Secrets.” That could easily be flown via private jet -- that Epstein just happened to have -- to his island sanctuary. Remember that when Bill Clinton was president he gave China access to America’s top secret labs such as Los Alamos.

The Clintons sold out American interests to the Chinese when he was in the White House. It wasn’t by accident that access to Hillary’s private server fell into the hands of our enemies.

Who else do we know that was involved in nuclear material? Our very own State Department (Hillary Clinton, and Huma Abedin). This is about much more that drugs, money laundering or child sex-trafficking.

Now we’re talking about the possibility of dealing not just drugs, money, or people, but State Secrets, Arms and Uranium (nuclear weapons). What parties would be interested in receiving US secrets, technology, and weapons resources?

“The Caribbean — sometimes described by experts as “too democratic and not poor enough” to merit sustained U.S. government attention — has been an afterthought for consecutive U.S. administrations, which have focused their attention variously on security crises in the Middle East, East Asia and Europe. Meanwhile, China, largely unnoticed, has increased its economic, diplomatic, cultural, and security presence in the region.”

“Five Caribbean countries have signed up for Belt and Road funding: Trinidad and Tobago, Grenada, Dominica, Antigua and Barbuda, and the Dominican Republic, which in November received a $600 million loan to expand the country’s electricity grid.”

These are many of the same places where the Clintons and their friends have been establishing their “green energy” companies, communications, and tourism industries. Like I said, this is about a lot more than just child sex-trafficking, not to diminish the severity of that.

Since Bill was in the White House the CCP has had tremendous influence over the Democrat Party. Biden’s relationship with them both as VP and through his son's business dealings are evidence of that. The Chicoms essentially control the Democrats and have since Bill was president. All nuclear material has a “fingerprint” that can pinpoint where it was refined. If the CCP wanted to launch an EMP attack with their own fissionable material it could easily be traced back to them. The same with Russia and Uranium One. If the uranium was to come from America, it would be virtually impossible to trace to either Russia or China.

One thing we know about the Clintons, and their friends, is that in addition to being pedophiles, they’re corrupt and they hate America. When the Clintons were in the White House and when Hillary was Sec of State, everything was for sale. Why would that change once they were out of power. Both Bill and Hillary still wield an immense amount of influence in the corridors of power -- that is to say, they still have the dirt on everyone.

They didn’t finance Ghislaine Maxwell’s submarine company out of the kindness of their hearts, they have neither kindness nor hearts in this context. Everything they do is calculated and cynical, they are the ultimate power couple without scruples or a moral compass. There is something more than just pedophilia and child trafficking going on here, something far more nefarious and Joe Biden is also involved. Epstein and Maxwell may be out of the game, but the Clintons, the Democrats, and China aren’t -- and neither are the Clinton pals in the Caribbean.

There’s a much bigger reason that much of Hollywood is behind the Democrats other than ideological consistency. Their ties to China are deeper than anyone knows. China has successfully infiltrated virtually every aspect of American institutions, Hollywood, the MSM, academia and government. They are largely behind BLM, Antifa, and the violence, along with the Democrats. They are also involved with the criminality in the Caribbean, along with the Clintons and their friends.

Many thanks to @ReformerReg and @9kwiz on Twitter whose hard work gave me direction as well as a lot of valuable information.

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