Draken International: The Less You Know…



Sometimes when doing research, what you don’t find speaks louder than what you do. Draken, for example, has little rationale for existing in a country with the most efficient, up to date military air force in the world. Their official narrative is that they can provide more cost effective training operations than using similar military equipment. If their raison d’etre is merely for training purposes, why then was an air-to-air missile found at Lakeland airport in Florida, their headquarters? This missile was shipped from Jordan via Amazon Air, owned by Jeff Bezos.

Moreover, if their purpose is to cut costs to the military, why is their personnel roster filled with high-caliber former military personnel -- people of this caliber don’t come cheap. Their “owner” is Jared Isaacman, the “boy genius” that created UBC (United Bank Card), Harbortouch (credit card processing platform) and Shift4Payments, is a Silicon Valley billionaire with a penchant for fighter jets. Draken’s Executive Board is a who’s who of DynCorp. Draken’s Advisory Board is all ex-military officers with none under General status.

Isaacman’s father Donald was the public face of Harbortouch and Shift4Payments serving as president of both entities which were started by Jared out of his parent’s basement. The problem is that very little public information is available about either Isaacman. Like Mark Zuckerberg the founder of Facebook, a DARPA Lifelog clone, their lives seem to have begun with their tech startups. Having covered the Executive Team in the first article, this article will focus on the rest of the Draken team. You can draw your own conclusions.

The only member of the Executive Team not covered before is Lt. Col. Sean Gustafson ret.), a former member of the Thunderbirds and current member of the Black Diamonds, Draken’s demonstration squadron. Unlike Ford and Tart, he did not come from DynCorp. “Lieutenant Colonel Gustafson is the Vice President of Client Relations for Draken International. His responsibilities include working with clients worldwide to deliver aviation contracts from conception to reality.”


It’s when we get into the Advisory Board that things become interesting. Having scoured the internet for some common political thread to tie them together, there is none. Their motivation seems to be either money or adherence to the Pentagon, these are all high-ranking military personnel. They also seem to have different yet valuable skill sets. One peculiar thing that was already brought up but bears repeating -- the overhead for running this operation seems to be astronomical, more than the few billion dollars that Isaacman would have made with his online venture. Many of these individuals also had/have strong ties to the Aerospace program. For whatever reason, while researching this the movie Seven Days in May came to mind more than once. If I was planning a military takeover of the US, these are the men I’d recruit.


Former Air Force representative to the Joint Chiefs of Staff. It’s difficult to fathom why military men of this rank and caliber would attach themselves to people from DynCorp a known sex-trafficking and organ harvesting operation. DynCorp is also a military logistics company, but this is a flight training company run by a 34 year-old Silicon Valley billionaire. None of it makes sense, DynCorp has nothing to do with flight training, aerospace, or anything else Draken allegedly involves itself in.

“General Corley retired from the Air Force after more than 36 years leading aerospace organizations throughout the U.S. and abroad. He is an experienced strategic planner and a skilled international collaborator in the planning and development of major weapons systems.”

2009 – present Defense Industry Consultant and Board Member This is pretty non-descriptive, it never mentions for whom.



There are three things that set Lt. Gen. Deptula apart outside of a $125,000 civil suit for conflict of interest handled for the government by Andrew McCabe and Dana Boente. “David Deptula, 62, of Oakton, Virginia, has agreed to pay $125,000 to settle civil penalty claims relating to allegations that he engaged in a prohibited conflict of interest while he served as the Chief Executive Officer for Mav6, LLC (“Mav6”), a privately owned defense contracting company. Dana J. Boente, U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, and Andrew G. McCabe, Assistant Director in Charge of the FBI’s Washington Field Office, made the announcement.”


The Mav-6 project involved inflatable airships: “A US defense contractor (Mav 6) had their main project, the Blue Devil 2 airship cancelled by the Air Force, so they wanted to make a statement about that. They wanted to make a statement about how the nature of warfare is changing A LOT FASTER than the defense industry is. The Blue Devil 2 was designed to help fill the gap, but then it was cancelled by the usual suspects. Quite a sad story, really, especially for patriotic American taxpayers. So I think the job deserved something that went for the jugular.”


Deptula’s expertise also includes working with two Congressional committees on “America’s future defense posture, ... was the principal attack planner for the Desert Storm coalition air campaign (Iraq) in 1991. He has twice been a Combined/Joint Task Force Commander; in 1998/1999 as the Operation Northern Watch no fly zone commander over Iraq where he flew 82 combat missions as a general officer; and in 2005/6 for Operation Deep Freeze conducting operations in Antarctica. In 2015 he was honored with a special award for his outstanding contributions to airpower at an international conference on air and space power.”


As will become apparent virtually all of these advisors have experience with the aerospace industry, but none with either President Trump’s Space Force or Elon Musk’s Space Force X which works in conjunction with Space Force. Although government money was paid for a government contract, no Mav-6 airship was ever produced. The fact is, as will be revealed further on is that money seems to be paid to companies that are little more than a mailing address and phone number, no website or any other proof of existence.

There’s also the connection to Antarctica and Operation Deep Freeze. There’s been much speculation about what’s been going on in Antarctica since WWII, running the gamut from aliens to Hitler using it to create his “master race,” and combinations thereof. Whatever is going on there is kept in the strictest secrecy.


Gortney, like the others, also was a member of the armed forces aerospace efforts, “... and his final assignment as Commander, North American Aerospace Defense Command, U.S. Northern Command.” In addition he was also attached to the Naval War College. Another aerospace expert, as it seems most of the advisors are. Apparently it takes aerospace experience to pull a target banner. Gortney is another officer that was on the Joint Chiefs.

Maj. Gen. Joseph T. Anderson USMC (Ret.)

Major General Anderson was one of 190 military officers who signed a letter opposing Obama’s Iran Nuclear Deal. “After his military retirement, Mr. Anderson served as the Corporate Vice President of the Dalcorp Advisory Group in Ashburn, VA. He has recently retired as the Deputy Director of the National Air and Space Museum.”


Dalcorp is another company with no real history, there is a Dalcorp Accounting firm, but this one is merely a mailing address and phone number with no webpage or anything else proving its existence. Like most of the other advisors, Anderson also has experience working in the Pentagon and also like many of the others has experience in Intelligence.

“In 1990, Major General Anderson became the Commanding Officer, Marine Aircraft Group 13 in Yuma, Ariz. In 1992, he served as Executive Assistant to the Director of Tactical Warfare Programs in the Office of the Secretary of Defense. While serving in this capacity he was selected in December 1993 for promotion to Brigadier General. He then served as Director, Operations Division, Headquarters, Marine Corps, Washington, DC, and as Vice Commander, Naval Air Systems Command, Arlington, Va. He was promoted to Major General in November 1997. He was assigned to duty as the Assistant Chief of Staff, Command, Control, Communications, Computer and Intelligence (C4I), Director of Intelligence, Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps, Washington, DC. He then served as Commanding General, First Marine Aircraft Wing until his retirement in January 2001.”


None of these men, or the pilots listed in Draken’s list of training pilots are rank and file, all are exceptional in what they do.


RADM Lewis, like Gen. Anderson, was one of the officers opposed to the Obama Iran Nuclear Deal. He also held: “Various staff assignments in Washington, DC followed including participation in the Program for Senior Defense Managers at Harvard University. He subsequently was given his second air wing command when he inaugurated the Navy's "Super CAG" program. It was in this assignment that he was selected for promotion to flag rank.” He’s another high-ranking officer with ties to the Pentagon."


There’s nothing exceptional about high-ranking officers having ties to the Pentagon except that the Pentagon is the epicenter for corruption and espionage in the US. Joseph Misfud, the Maltese professor with ties to MI-6 was paid by the Pentagon for his “expertise.” Military Intelligence operations come from the Pentagon. There is also the issue of missing funds that typically “disappear” from there. Given the closeness of Draken’s advisors to Pentagon operations it’s entirely possible that there’s a connection between the two, and also with the companies that some of these individuals are involved with -- the ones that only exist on paper.

Lt. Gen. Robert E. Schmidle Jr. USMC (Ret.)

Gen. Schmidle is one of the more interesting members of Draken’s advisory board, his son Nicholas wrote a lengthy article challenging the official narrative surrounding the death of Osama Bin Laden. In addition to being one of the more interesting members, he’s also one of the most suspicious being a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. His background and education are unusual for a line officer in the military.

“Lieutenant General Schmidle is a native of Newtown, Connecticut and holds a bachelor’s degree from Drew University, a master’s degree from American University and earned his doctorate from Georgetown University. His doctoral thesis, recognized with distinction, was titled “The Power of Context in Shaping Moral Choices.” He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and has been published in the fields of moral philosophy, social psychology and military history. He is a distinguished graduate of the Marine Corps War College and also a distinguished graduate and prior faculty member of the Marine Corps Command and Staff College.”


In addition, Schmidle was also a director of the US Cyber Command, giving him access to sensitive information and an understanding of the military’s computer system. “Lieutenant General Schmidle was then selected to be the first Deputy Commander of United States Cyber Command where he planned and conducted all cyber operations across the Department of Defense.”

It may be overly suspicious, but it seems like there’s a lot more going on here than just a company that provides training operations for military flight. The missile found at Lakeland Airport confirms these suspicions.

One advantage of having men of this caliber on the advisory board is that it almost ensures government contracts. In the last 3 years, Draken has gotten every contract they’ve bidded on. As mentioned before, all of Draken’s personnel are the very best, including the pilots, all of whom are either Navy Top Gun or Air Force Weapons School, the Air Force equivalent. Not only are the advisory board the best the military has to offer, they come with skill sets outside of training, many in aerospace indicating that Mr. Isaacman may have his eyes set outside of flying training missions into broader aspirations such as perhaps challenging Elon Musk’s Space X. Whatever his future ventures, Isaacman seems to have chosen his associates very selectively.

“Now 34, and disinclined to spend his wealth on sports teams or yachts as other billionaires are prone to do, Isaacman’s accomplishment with Draken is unique in aviation. He’s amassed a collection of military aircraft that’s already the world’s largest privately owned tactical fleet. He’s also put some of the best flyers alive at the controls — all with the goal of helping air forces train and retain their prized Top Guns more cheaply and efficiently. Whatever Isaacman has going on must be working, since the significance of Draken fighter jets parked beside F-22s and F-35s — the pride of the USAF air fleet — at such an essential airbase is unmistakable, too.”


The overhead of running an operation such as this has got to be astronomical. A fleet of 90+ fighter jets don’t come cheap, and then there’s fuel and upkeep, transportation, salaries of the best the Air Force, Navy and Marines has to offer. Either the government contracts are especially lucrative, or something else is going on that supplements these contracts, something like Pentagon corruption and ulterior motives. While the media focuses on riots and the scamdemic, life seems to go on as usual for Draken which leads back to why does a company focused on training need an air-to-air missile? There’s a lot more to this story, but whatever it is it’s being very carefully covered up. I’ve spent days running into dead ends that shouldn’t be there. This whole story stinks from beginning to end, starting with the Isaacman’s rags to riches story. A dot com billionaire starts a civilian air force with a fleet of over 90 fighter aircraft manned by the nation’s very best pilots and has top Pentagon brass on the payroll -- brass with very specific skill sets including aerospace, the cyber command, and Antarctica. This smells of a Pentagon/CIA operation which explains the DynCorp connection as well as the secrecy.

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