Hey! how did you celebrate the World's Labor Day this past Saturday, May 1?

¿With a cheerful #HivePUD?

¿With a Minimum Wage nice rise?

¿Just doing the same old same old?

Well, I couldn't celebrate it in the same way as these three above. You know? Venezuelan people was not as lucky. We actually had some sort of minimum wage increase as well. But maybe not how you can imagine it.

One more time most of us were re-baptized in a somewhat unkind way. To wake up to a new reality to face life. Look at this holy sacred scene!!

"From now on, your monthly minimum wage plus the food bonus will be oscillating around $3.50 dohla$ for a short time"

That was what the mighty priest told us while he was giving us that refreshing holy dip. But everyone over here also knows that not everything is because of him. Neither that he is the only culprit in this whole crippled and subpar situation in our lovely country. There are many other evil actors that we cannot lose sight of. Some within our own country and many others outside of it.

¡Let's review this thingy one more time!

And then on the few occasions when I still have electricity and a relatively decent, although very poor internet connection, as to be able to publish something here while I'm fucking around on the Hive blockchain. You wonder!

I bet you surely wonder...

¿How the heck this old Gandalf never lose his formidable crankiness nor his outstanding hilarious sense of humor when he post his sarcastic and cynical stuff?

Well, it may be easy. Or maybe not! But you just have to have:

"A Lot of Patience"

«While the shit doesn't reach the fan equally for everyone»

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Cranky Gandalf


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